New nucleotide sequence data on the EMBL File Server

© 1992 Oxford University Press
Nucleic Acids Research, Vol. 20, No. 5
New nucleotide sequence data on the EMBL File Server
December 31st, 1991 to January 14th, 1992
New nucleotide sequence data, available from the EMBL File Server, (see Stoehr, P.J. and Omond, R.A. (1989) Nucleic Acids Res., 17 (16),
6763-6764), are reported below. Availability of all the newest sequence data is the result of collaboration between the EMBL Data Library,
GenBank® and DDBJ, and data are supplied regularly by these groups. Updates to existing data are not reported here. This report has been prepared
by the EMBL Data Library.
The EMBL File Server can be used by anyone who has access to electronic mail networks. Database entries can be retrieved by sending a mail
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H.sapiens mRNA for activin receptor
Geiser A.G.;
Unpublished. X62381
Human B-raf mRNA
Sithanandam G., Kolch W., Duh F.M., Rapp U.R.;
Oncogene 5:1775-1780(1990). X54072
H.sapiens CaMIII gene 5'flank exon 1 for calmodulin.
Roller M., Schnyder B., Strehler E.E.;
Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1087:180-189(1990). X52606
H.sapiens COL10A1 gene for collagen (alpha-1 type X)
Thomas J.T., Cresswell C.J., Rash B., Nicolai H., Jones T.,
Solomon E., Grant M.E., Boot-Handford R.P.;
Biochem. J. 280:617-623(1991). X6O382
H.sapiens (D11S436) DNA segment containing (CA)18 repeat
Guo Z., Phromchotikul T., Nakamura Y, Litt M.;
Nucleic Acids Res. 19:6981-6981(1991). X61501
Human mRNA for Fc receptor
Maliszewski C.R., March C.J., Schoenbom M.A., Gimpel S.,
Shen L.;
J. Exp. Med. 172:1665-1672(1990). X54150
Human mRNA for fibulin A
Argraves W.S., Tran H., Burgess W.H., Dickerson K.;
J. Cell Biol. 111:3155-3164(1990). X53741
Human mRNA for fibulin B
Argraves W.S., Tran H., Burgess W.H., Dickerson K.;
J. Cell Biol. 111:3155-3164(1990). X53742
Human mRNA for fibulin C
Argraves W.S., Tran H., Burgess W.H., Dickerson K.;
J. Cell Biol. 111:3155-3164(1990). X53743
H.sapiens fragilexDNA
Fu Y.H., Kuhl D.P.A., Pizzuti A., Pieretti M., Sitcliffe J.,
Richards S., Verkerk A.J.M.H., Holden J.J.A., Fenwick R.G.
Warren S.T., Oostra B.A., Nelson D.L., Caskey C.T.;
Cell 67:1047-1058(1991). X61378
Human HOX4C mRNA for a homeobox protein
Zappavigna V., Renucci A., Izpisua-Belmonte J.C., Urier G.,
Peschle C , Duboule D.;
EMBO J. 10:4177-4187(1991). X59372
Human HOX4D mRNA for a homeobox protein
Zappavigna V., Renucci A., Izpisua-Belmonte J.C., Urier G.,
Peschle C , Duboule D.;
EMBO J. 10:4177-4187(1991). X59373
H.sapiens gene for intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1),
exons 1,2,3-7
Voraberger G.F., Schaefer R., Stratowa C ;
J. Immunol. 147:2777-2786(1991). X59286-X59288
H. sapiens IGFII gene exons 4—5
Ikejiri K., Wasada T., Haruki K., Hizuka N., Hirata Y.,
Yamamoto M.;
Biochem. J. 280:439-444(1991). X56539-X5654O
Human processed IgH chain gene, VDH-region, exons 1 and 2.
White M.B., Word C.J., Humphries C.G., Blattner F.R., Tucker
Mol. Cell. Biol. 10:3690-3699(1990). M38O66
Human BL Ly66 mRNA for abnormal Ig kappa light chain (1)
Cogne M., Mounir S., Mahdi T., Preud'homme J.L., Nau F.,
Guglielmi P.;
Mol. Immunol. 27:929-934(1990). X54166
Human BL Ly66 mRNA for abnormal Ig kappa light chain (2)
Cogne M., Mounir S., Mahdi T., Preud'homme J.L., Nau F.,
Guglielmi P.;
Mol. Immunol. 27:929-934(1990). X54167
Human BL Ly91 mRNA for abnormal Ig kappa light chain (4)
Cogne M., Mounir S., Mahdi T., Preud'homme J.L., Nau F.,
Guglielmi P.;
Mol. Immunol. 27:929-934(1990). X54I69
Human BL Ly47 mRNA for abnormal Ig lambda light chain
Cogne M., Mounir S., Mahdi T., Preud'homme J.L., Nau F.,
Guglielmi P.;
Mol. Immunol. 27:929-934(1990). X54170
1174 Nucleic Acids Research, Vol. 20, No. 5
Human LAG-1 mRNA
Baixeras E., Roman-Roman S., Jitsukawa S., Genevee C ,
Mechiche S., Viegas-Pequignot E., Hercend T., Triebel F.;
Mol. Immunol. 27:1091-1102(1990). X53683
Human LAG-1 gene
Baixeras E., Roman-Roman S., Jitsukawa S., Genevee C ,
Mechiche S., Viegas-Pequignot E., Hercend T., Triebel F.;
Mol. Immunol. 27:1091-1102(1990). X53682
H.sapiens mRNA for parvalbumin
Lutum C , Schaefer B., Heizmann C.W.;
Unpublished. X63O70
Human mRNA for pregnancy zone protein
Devriendt K., Van Den Berghe H., Vassiman JJ., Marynen P.;
Biochim. Biophys. Acta (In Press). X54380
M.musculus rearranged mRNA for Ig V(H) DFL16.1
Lalor P.A., Nossal G.J., Sanderson R., McHeyzer-Williams M.G.;
Unpublished. X63476-X63490,X63492-X63497
Mouse mRNA for alpha-mannosidase II
Kelley W., Moremen W., Robbins P.W.;
J. Cell Biol. 115:1521-1534(1991). X61172
M.musculus mRNA for calmodulin
Kato K.;
J. Neurosci. 2:704-711(1991). X61432
M.musculus Camk-2 mRNA for Ca2+/calmodulin dependent
protein kinase II beta subunit
Karls U., Mueller U., Gilbert D.J., Copeland N.G., Jenkins N.A.,
Harbers K.;
Unpublished. X63615
H.sapiens mRNA form transcription factor TFIIE alpha
Ohkuma Y., Sumimoto H., Hoffmann A., Shimasaki S., Horikoshi
M., Roeder R.G.;
Nature 354:398-401(1991). X63468
M.musculus CAML1 gene exons 1 - 4 , 5 - 9 , 1 0 - 1 2
Kohl A., Giese K.P., Mohajeri M.H., Montag D., Moos M.,
Schachner M.;
Unpublished. X635O9-X63511
H.sapiens mRNA form transcription factor TFIIE beta
Sumimoto H., Ohkuma Y., Sinn E., Kato H., Shimasaki S.,
Horikoshi M., Roeder R.G.;
Nature 354:401-404(1991). X63469
M.musculus CAML1 gene (exon ?)
Kohl A., Giese K.P., Mohajeri M.H., Montag D., Moos M.,
Schachner M.;
Unpublished. X63512
H.sapiens TRE17 gene
Onno M., Nakamura T., Mariage-Samson R., Hillova J., Hill M.;
Unpublished. X635%
M.musculus mRNA for cAMP-dependent protein kinase C beta
Kato K.;
J. Neurosci. 2:704-711(1991). X61434
H.sapiens mRNA for tre oncogene (clone 210)
Nakamura T., Hillova J., Mariage-Samson R., Onno M., Huebner
K., Cannizzaro L.A., Boghosian-Sell L., Croce C M . , Hill M.;
Oncogene (In Press) X63546
H.sapiens mRNA for tre oncogene (clone 213)
Nakamura T., Hillova J., Mariage-Samson R., Onno M., Huebner
K., Cannizzaro L.A., Boghosian-Sell L., Croce C M . , Hill M.;
Oncogene (In Press) X63547
H.sapiens U13 snRNA pseudogene U13.12A
Baserga S.J., Yang X., Steitz J.A.;
Gene 107:347-348(1991). X58O61
H.sapiens U13 snRNA pseudogene U13.32A
Baserga S.J., Yang X., Steitz J.A.;
Gene 107:347-348(1991). X58060
H.sapiens U13 snRNA pseudogene U13.4B
Baserga S.J., Yang X., Steitz J.A.;
Gene 107:347-348(1991). X58062
H. sapiens mRNA for variant CD44
Hofmann M., Rudy W., Zoeller M., Toelg C , Ponta H., Herrlich
P., Guenthert U.;
Cancer Res. 51:5292-5297(1991). X62739
M.fascicularis mRNA for epididymal secretory glutathione
Perry A.C.F., Jones R., Niang L.S.P., Jackson R.M., Hall L.;
Unpublished. X62403
M.musculus mRNA for diazepam-binding inhibitor
Kato K.;
J. Neurosci. 2:704-711(1991). X61431
M.musculus mRNA for GABA-A receptor alpha 1 subunit
Kato K.;
J. Neurosci. 2:704-711(1991). X61430
Mouse germline immunoglobulin variable region J-segments J(H)1
- J(H)4
Lebecque S.G., Gearhart P.J.;
J. Exp. Med. 172:1717-1727(1990). X53774
Mouse IgG processed chain mRNA VDJ2-region.
Reininger L., Bemey T., Shibata T., Spertini F., Merino R., Izui
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 87:10038-10042(1990). M55312
Mouse germline immunoglobulin variable region J(kappa)-segments
J(kappa)l - J(kappa)5
Lebecque S.G., Gearhart P.J.;
J. Exp. Med. 172:1717-1727(1990). X53775
Mouse anti-idiotype antibody-resistant variant IgK (Vk-Oxl gene
family) mRNA, VJ2 region.
Roth M.S., Weiner G.J., Allen E.A., Terry V.H., Harnden C.E.,
Boehnke M., Kaminski M.S., Ginsburg D.;
J. Immunol. 145:768-777(1990). M57588
Mouse anti-idiotype antibody-resistant variant IgK (Vk-Oxl gene
family) mRNA, VJ5 region.
Roth M.S., Weiner G.J., Allen E.A., Terry V.H., Harnden C.E.,
Boehnke M., Kaminski M.S., Ginsburg D.;
J. Immunol. 145:768-777(1990). M57586
Nucleic Acids Research, Vol. 20, No. 5 1175
Mouse anti-idiotype antibody-resistant variant IgK (Vk-Oxl gene
family) mRNA, VJ4 region.
Roth M.S., Weiner G.J., Allen E.A., Terry V.H., Hamden C.E.,
Boehnke M., Kaminski M.S., Ginsburg D.;
J. Immunol. 145:768-777(1990). M57539
Mouse IgM germline chain gene V-region (VH36—65).
Gerstein R.M., Frankel W.N., Hsieh C.L., Durdik J.M., Rath S.,
Coffin J.M., Nisonoff A., Seising E.;
Cell 63:537-548(1990). M57241
Mouse rearranged immunoglobulin V(H)76 segment promoter
Lebecque S.G., Gearhart P.J.;
J. Exp. Med. 172:1717-1727(1990). X53776
Mouse IgK processed chain mRNA VJ2-region.
Reininger L., Bemey T., Shibata T., Spertini F., Merino R., Izui
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 87:10038-10042(1990). M55313
M.musculus immunoglobulin rearranged kappa-chain (OKI) mRNA
V region, partial cds.
Berek C , Berger A., Apel M.;
Unpublished. M83002-M83003,M83041-M83042
M.musculus mRNA for kinesin heavy chain
Kato K.;
J. Neurosci. 2:704-711(1991). X61435
Mouse episialin (Mucl) mRNA, complete cds.
Vos H.L., De Vries Y., Hilkens J.;
Unpublished. M84683
Mouse pregnancy-specific glycoprotein (CGM8) gene, exon 2 and
Rudert F., Saunders A.M., Thompson J.A., Rebstock S.,
Zimmermann W.;
Unpublished. M83343
M.musculus Sbx gene
Mitchell M.J., Woods D.R., Tucker P.K., Opp J.S., Bishop C.E.;
Nature 352:483-486(1991). X6258O
M.musculus Sby gene
Mitchell M.J., Woods D.R., Tucker P.K., Opp J.S., Bishop C.E.;
Nature 352:483-486(1991). X62581
M.musculus mRNA for sodium/potassium ATPase beta subunit
Kato K.;
J. Neurosci. 2:704-711(1991). X61433
M.musculus DNA for VSAG1 viral superantigen
Pullen A.M., Choi Y., Kushnir E., Kappler J., Marrack P.;
J. Exp. Med. (In Press) X63024
M.musculus DNA for VSAG13 (viral superantigen)
Pullen A.M., Choi Y., Kushnir E., Kappler J., Marrack P.;
J. Exp. Med. (In Press) X63027
M.musculus DNA for VSAG3 (viral superantigen)
Pullen A.M., Choi Y., Kushnir E., Kappler J., Marrack P.;
J. Exp. Med. fln Press) X63025
M.musculus DNA for VSAG6 (viral superantigen)
Pullen A.M., Choi Y., Kushnir E., Kappler J., Marrack P.;
J. Exp. Med. Gn Press) X63026
R.norvegicus mRNA for cytochrome P450UB12
Friedberg T., Grassow M.A., Bartlomowicz-Oesch B., Siegert P.
Arand M., Adesnik M., Oesch F.;
Unpublished. X63545
R.norvegicus N-myc gene
Sugiyama A., Miyagi Y., Shirasawa Y., Kuchino Y.;
Oncogene 6:2027-2032(1991). X63281
R.rattus mRNA for epididymal secretory glutathione peroxidase
Perry A.C.F., Jones R., Niang L.S.P., Jackson R.M., Hall L.;
Unpublished. X62404
R.rattus RL/IF-1 mRNA
Taub R.A.;
Unpublished. X63594
Mouse anti-idiotype antibody-resistant variant IgK (Vk-Oxl gene
family) mRNA, VJ5 region.
Roth M.S., Weiner G.J., Allen E.A., Terry V.H., Harnden C.E.
Boehnke M., Kaminski M.S., Ginsburg D.;
J. Immunol. 145:768-777(1990). M57576
B.taurus mRNA for alpha-1-antitrypsin
Sinha D., Bakhshi M.R., Kirby E.P.;
Unpublished. X63129
B.taurus interleukin-6 mRNA
Cludts I., Kettmann R., Cleuter Y., Burny A., Droogmans L.;
Nucleic Acids Res. an Press). X57317
B.taurus mRNA for poly(A)polymerase
Wahle E., Martin G., Schilz E., Keller W.;
EMBO J. 10:4251-4257(1991). X61585
Dog inserted sequence in spleen necrosis virus vector provirus
Pulsinelli G.A., Temin H.M.;
Unpublished. M73O45-M73O46
M.reevesi repetitive DNA sequence
Lin C.C., Sasi R., Fan Y.S., Chen Z.Q.;
Chromosoma 101:19-24(1991). X56823
Ovine mRNA for interleukin-2 receptor beta chain
Bujdoso R., Williamson M.L., Sargan D.R., Hein W.H.,
McConnell I.;
Unpublished. X6O149
Sheep T cell receptor alpha chain mRNA, VJC region.
Hein W.R., Marcuz A., Fichtel A., Dudler L., Grossberger D.
Immunogenetics 34:39-41(1991). M55622
O.cuniculus mRNA for gamma preprotachykinin I
Maegert H.J., Stoeber H., Schmeding G., Forssmann W.G.;
Unpublished. X62994
Rabbit rearranged Ig heavy chain gene VDJ-region, clone
Becker R.S., Knight K.L.;
Cell 63:987-997(1990). M55382
1176 Nucleic Acids Research, Vol. 20, No. 5
G.domesticus mRNA for hydroxyindole-O-methyltransferase
Voisin P., Guerlotte J., Bernard M., Collin J.P., Cogne M.;
Biochem. J. (In Press) X623O9
Chicken CAP-23 gene for particle-bound cylosolic protein
Widmer F., Caroni P.;
J. Cell Biol. 111:3035-3047(1990). X54861
G.gallus nov mRNA
Maloisel V., Martinerie C , Dambrine G., Plassiart G., Brisac M.
Crochet J., Perbal B.;
Mol. Cell. Biol. 12:10-21(1991). X59284
Chicken gene for transforming growth factor-beta3
Burt D.W., Dey B.R., Paton I.R.;
J. Mol. Endocrinol. 7:175-183(1991). X58127
G.gallus mRNA for VILJP (visinin-like protein)
Lenz S., Henschel Y., Zopf D., Voss B., Gundelfinger E.D.;
Unpublished. X6353O
Gallus sp. mRNA for dynactin.
Cleveland D.W., GUI;
J. Biol. Chem. 115:1639-1650(1991). X62773
S.gairdneri mRNA for erythrocyte band 3 protein
Huebner S., Michel F., Rudloff V., Appelhans H.;
Biochem. J. (In Press) X61699
Giardia muris small subunit rRNA, 3' end, large subunit rRNA,
5' end, and 5.8S rRNA.
van Keulen H., Campbell S.R., Eriandsen S.L., Jarroll E.L.;
Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 46:275-284(1991). M73682
L. braziliensis guyanesis kinetoplast minicircle (LBkDNA25) DNA,
conserved region.
Samuelson J., Lerner E., Tesh R., Titus R.;
J. Exp. Med. 173:49-54(1991). X54472
L.major mRNA for surface antigen P2
Murray P.J., Spithill T.W.;
J. Biol. Chem. 266:24477-24484(1991). X57134-X57135,X56810
L.major tr-1 gene for surface antigen P2
Murray P.J., Spithill T.W.;
J. Biol. Chem. 266:24477-24484(1991). X57009
P.falciparum gene for RAP-2 protein
Saul A., Cooper J., Hauquitz D., Irving D., Cheng Q.,
Stowers A., Limpaiboon T.;
Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 50:1-188(1991). X58777
Drosophila msh-2 mRNA.
Bodmer R., Jan L.Y., Jan Y.N.;
Development 110:661-669(1990). X55192
Tetrahymena americanus histone H3I1 and histone H4II intergenic
Brunk C.F., Sadler L.A.;
Nucleic Acids Res. 18:323-329(1990). X17126
Tetrahymena australis histone H3U and histone H4I1 intergenic
Brunk C.F., Sadler L.A.;
Nucleic Acids Res. 18:323-329(1990). X17127
C. vicina Xdh gene for xanthine dehydrogenase, partial cds
Tiveron M.C., Bregegere F.;
Unpublished. X17106
Tetrahymena borealis histone H3II and histone H4II intergenic
Brunk C.F., Sadler L.A.;
Nucleic Acids Res. 18:323-329(1990). X17128
Dictyostelium discoideum mRNA for cytochrome c oxidase subunit
Rizzuto R., Sandona D., Brini M., Capaldi R.A., Bisson R.;
Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1129:100-104(1991). X55671
Tetrahymena capricornis histone H31I and histone H4II intergenic
Brunk C.F., Sadler L.A.;
Nucleic Acids Res. 18:323-329(1990). X17130
Drosophila mRNA for neurotactin
Hortsch M., Patel N.P., Bieber A.J., Traquina Z.R.,
Goodman C.S.;
Development 110:1327-1340(1990). X54999
D. melanogaster singed gene, exons 1,2,3-6.
Paterson J., O'Hare K.;
Genetics 129:1073-1084(1991). X17548-X1755O
Giardia duodenal is small subunit rRNA, 3' end, large subunit
rRNA, 5' end and 5.8S rRNA.
van Keulen H., Campbell S.R., Eriandsen S.L., Jarroll E.L.;
Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 46:275-284(1991). M73686
Giardia duodenal is large subunit rRNA, 3' end.
van Keulen H., Campbell S.R., Eriandsen S.L., Jarroll E.L.;
Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 46:275-284(1991). M73687
Giardia muris large subunit rRNA, 3' end.
van Keulen H., Campbell S.R., Eriandsen S.L., Jarroll E.L.;
Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 46:275-284(1991). M73683
Tetrahymena canadensis histone H3II and histone H4II intergenic
Brunk C.F., Sadler L.A.;
Nucleic Acids Res. 18:323-329(1990). X17129
Tetrahymena caudata histone H3JJ and histone H4D intergenic
Brunk C.F., Sadler L.A.;
Nucleic Acids Res. 18:323-329(1990). X17131
Tetrahymena elliotti histone H3II and histone H4II intergenic DNA
Brunk C.F., Sadler L.A.;
Nucleic Acids Res. 18:323-329(1990). X17125
Tetrahymena furgasoni histone H3II and histone H4II intergenic
Brunk C.F., Sadler L.A.;
Nucleic Acids Res. 18:323-329(1990). X17132
Tetrahymena hyperangularis histone H3II and histone H4II
intergenic DNA
Brunk C.F., Sadler L.A.;
Nucleic Acids Res. 18:323-329(1990). X17133
Nucleic Acids Research, Vol. 20, No. 5 1177
Tetrahymena leucophrys histone H3D and histone H4II intergenic
Brunk C.F., Sadler L.A.;
Nucleic Acids Res. 18:323-329(1990). X17134
Tetrahymena malaccensis histone H3I1 and histone H4II intergenic
Brunk C.F., Sadler L.A.;
Nucleic Acids Res. 18:323-329(1990). X17135
Tetrahymena mimbres histone H3D and histone H4II intergenic
Brunk C.F., Sadler L.A.;
Nucleic Acids Res. 18:323-329(1990). X17136
Tetrahymena nanneyi histone H3D and histone H4II intergenic
Brunk C.F., Sadler L.A.;
Nucleic Acids Res. 18:323-329(1990). X17137
Tetrahymena nippisingi histone H3I1 and histone H4II intergenic
Brunk C.F., Sadler L.A.;
Nucleic Acids Res. 18:323-329(1990). X17138
Tetrahymena patula histone H3II and histone H4D intergenic DNA
Brunk C.F., Sadler L.A.;
Nucleic Acids Res. 18:323-329(1990). X17140
Tetrahymena paravorax histone H3D and histone H4II intergenic
Brunk C.F., Sadler L.A.;
Nucleic Acids Res. 18:323-329(1990). X17139
Tetrahymena pigmentosa histone H3II and histone H4II intergenic
Brunk C.F., Sadler L.A.;
Nucleic Acids Res. 18:323-329(1990). X17143
Tetrahymena pyriformis histone H3II and histone H4II intergenic
Brunk C.F., Sadler L.A.;
Nucleic Acids Res. 18:323-329(1990). X17141
Tetrahymena rostrata histone H3II and histone H4II intergenic
Brunk C.F., Sadler L.A.;
Nucleic Acids Res. 18:323-329(1990). X17144
Tetrahymena sonnebomi histone H3D and histone H4II intergenic
Brunk C.F., Sadler L.A.;
Nucleic Acids Res. 18:323-329(1990). X17142
T.thermophila cnjC gene for conjugation-specific RNA polymerase
Martindale D.W.;
Nucleic Acids Res. 18:2953-2960(1990). X62317
Tetrahymena tropicalis histone H3I1 and histone H4II intergenic
Brunk C.F., Sadler L.A.;
Nucleic Acids Res. 18:323-329(1990). X17145
Tetrahymena thermophilia hvl gene for histone H2 variant
Van Daal A., Elgin Gorovsky M.A.;
J. Mol. Evol. 30:449-455(1990). X15548
A. thaliana genes for tRNA-Ser (1 and II), and tRNA-Tyr (I, II,
and m), (clone pAtY3)
Beier D., Stange N., Gross H.J., Beier H.;
Mol. Gen. Genet. 225:72-80(1991). X54370
A. thaliana gene for tRNA-Ser and tRNA-Tyr (I and II)
Beier D., Stange N., Gross H.J., Beier H.;
Mol. Gen. Genet. 225:72-80(1991). X54372-X54374
H.vulgare mRNA for 14-3-3 protein homologue
Brandt J., Thordal-Christensen H., Vad K., Gregersen P.L.,
Collinge D.B.;
Unpublished. X62388
H.vulgare mRNA for flame chlorosis virus-like agent
Haber S., Kim W., Gillespie R., Tekauz A.;
Unpublished. X59248
H.vulgare Iaml mRNA for monomeric alpha-amylase inhibitor
Carbonero P.;
Unpublished. X63517
L.esculentum GAST1 gene
Shi L., Gast R.T., Gopalraj M., Olszewski N.E.;
Plant Journal (In Press). X63O93
Tobacco CHN50 gene for endochitinase
Fukuda Y., Ohme M., Shinshi H.;
Plant Mol. Biol. 16:1-10(1991). X51599
N.tabacum ltpl gene for lipid transferase
Fleming A., Mandel T., Hofmann S., Sterk P., De Vries S.,
Kuhlemeier C ;
Unpublished. X62395
P.vulgaris mRNA for lipoxygenase
Slusarenko A.J., Meier B.M.;
Unpublished. X63521
P.vulgaris loxA gene for lipoxygenase
Slusarenko A.J.;
Unpublished. X63525
Z.mays Pdc mRNA for pyruvate decarboxylase
Kelley P.M., Godfrey K., Lai S.K., Alleman M.;
Plant Mol. Biol. 17:1259-1261(1991). X59546
K.lactis ADH3 gene for alcohol dehydrogenase
Saliola M., Gonnella R., Mazzoni C , Falcone C ;
Yeast 7:391-400(1991). X62766
K.lactis ADH4 gene for alcohol dehydrogenase
Saliola M., Gonnella R., Mazzoni C , Falcone C ;
Yeast 7:391-400(1991). X62767
N.crassa nit-3 gene for nitrate reductase
Okamoto P.M., Fu Y.H., Marzluf G.A.;
Mol. Gen. Genet. 227:213-223(1991). X613O3
S.cerevisiae N-succinyl-5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribotide
synthetase (ADE1) gene, complete cds.
Myasnikov A.N., Plavnik Y.A., Sasnauskas K., Gedminene G.K.
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S.cerevisiae FUN2 gene, 5' end, phosphoribosyl-aminoimidazolesuccinocarbozamide synthetase (ADE1) gene, putative
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S.cerevisiae AGA2 mRNA for a-agglutinin
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S.cerevisiae genes MRE4 and MNE
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S.cerevisiae PAP1 gene for poly (A) polymerase
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S.pombe argil gene for acetylglutamate kinase &
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S.pombe arg3 gene for omithine carbamoyl transferase
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S.pombe wisl gene for protein kinase
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A.pleuropneumoniae dnaA, recF and sodC genes
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A.rhizogenes virA gene
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B. japonicum glyA gene for serine hydroxymethyltransferase
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B.megaterium spoVG and tms genes
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B.subtilis spoVG and tms genes
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Botulinum bacteriophage genes for HA-17, HA-33, nontoxic
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C.botulinum HA-33 gene for main component of hemagglutinin
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U.maydis gene for Cbx resistance
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Clostridium perfringens chloramphenicol-resistance protein (CAT)
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C.septicum gene for sialidase
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L. braziliensis guyanesis kinetoplast minicircle (LBkDNA22) DNA,
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Salamander (A.tigrinum) mitochondria! cytochrome b, partial cds.
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Chicken mitochondrial cytochrome b, partial cds.
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Scenedesmus obliquus mitochondrial DNA for 3'half of ribosomal
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Chlamydia trachomatis 27kDa membrane protein (C-term.),
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E.coli DNA-binding protein (cfa d) gene, complete cds.
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E.coli dacB gene for penicillin-binding protein 4 (PBP4)
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E.coli plasmid dhfrIX gene for dihydrofolate reductase
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M.hyorhinis vlpA, vlpB and vlpC genes for lipoprotein
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M.mazei dnaK homologue gene coding for ORF-K-S36 antigen
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M.tuberculosis tuf gene for elongation factor TU
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Neisseria gonorreae P+ pilin mRNA (NGF6A)
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Neisseria gonorreae P+ pilin mRNA (NGF6C)
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Neisseria gonorreae P- pilin mRNA (NGF61)
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R.capsulatus fdxD, nifH and nifD (5'end) genes
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R.capsulatus nifK (3'end) gene
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R.capsulatus nifK and nifD (3'end) genes
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S.dysenteriae ipaR gene & 9Kd ORF
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S.faecalis npr gene for NADH peroxidase
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S.griseus soyC and soyB genes
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S.thermophilus gene for aspartate racemase
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S.typhimurium phoN gene
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S.typhimurium cryptic plasmid pIMVSl DNA
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T.acidophilum taprota gene for proteosome a-subunit
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V.harveyi luxA and luxB genes for luciferase alpha and beta
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Chlorella virus 33kDa translation peptide and unknown ORF,
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Influenza virus A/Aichi/2/68 haemagglutinin/neuraminidase mRNA,
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Rotavirus group b, gene 11.
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Rotavirus group b, gene 9.
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