DAVS 2017

DAVS 2017
Amsterdam, 3 March
Dutch Annual
Virology Symposium
R.J. de Groot and E.J.H.J. Wiertz
LocationCentrale Openbare Bibliotheek (OBA Theater),
Oosterdokskade 143, 1011 DL Amsterdam
Anja Streefkerk-Veldt
+31 (0)30 253 2485
09:00 h
09:25 h
09:30 h
Carla Ribeiro
Human TRIM5α restricts HIV-1 infection of mucosal Langerhans cells
via autophagy
09:50 h
Brigitta Laksono
The role of infection and depletion of lymphocyte subsets in the pathogenesis of
measles-induced immune suppression
10:10 h
Anouk Schuren
Genome-wide human CRISPR/Cas9 library screen identifies novel players in
cytomegalovirus-induced MHC class I degradation
10:30 h
Robert Knaap
Potent and selective inhibition of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus
papain-like protease by engineered ubiquitin variants
10:50 h
11:10 h
Coffee Break
Roman Koning
Asymmetric cryo-EM reconstruction of phage MS2 reveals genome structure in situ
11:30 h
Franklin Luzia de Nóbrega
Understanding inter-species gene exchange and compatibility in a bacteriophage
11:50 h
Charlotte Melia
A +RNA virus able to replicate in the absence of membrane modifications
12:10 h
Giel Göertz
Non-coding subgenomic flavivirus RNA determines virus transmission by mosquitoes
12:30 h
13:30 h
Aartjan te Velthuis
Subgenomic viral RNAs link 1918 influenza A virus virulence to RNA polymerase
13:50 h
Dirk Eggink
Polymerase enhancing substitutions that arise during infection with highly
pathogenic avian H5N1 influenza in humans
14:10 h
Hongbo Guo
Dynamics of influenza A virus-receptor interactions
14:30 h
14:55 h
Tea Break
Francesca Maio
Characterization of the interactions between the geminivirus replication initiator
protein and the plant factors involved in geminivirus replication
15:10 h
Nicholas McCaul
The HIV-1 Env signal peptide is a direct contributor to oxidative folding in the ER
15:25 h
Werner Ouwendijk
Identification of a novel viral transcript that defines varicella-zoster virus latency in
human sensory ganglia
15:40 h
Joep Joosten
The Tudor protein Veneno is essential for viral piRNA production in the vector
mosquito Aedes aegypti
16:00 h
Beijerinck Virology Prizes Awards Ceremony
Opening by Ben Feringa, Board member KNAW
16:05 h
Presentation of the Beijerinck Virology Prize 2017
Raul Andino, School of Medicine, University of California at
San Francisco, United States
Laudatio: Eric Snijder, Jury member M.W. Beijerinck Virology Fund
Beijerinck Lecture
Rapid co-evolution shaping RNA virus infection
Raul Andino
16:50 h
Presentation of the Beijerinck Premium 2017
Marit van Gils, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam,
the Netherlands
Laudatio: Eric Snijder, Jury member M.W. Beijerinck Virology Fund
Beijerinck Premium Lecture
Natural infection as a blueprint for rational HIV vaccine design
Marit van Gils
17:15 h
Closing and Reception