Beste collega’s, Wegens onvoorziene omstandigheden is het Congres met Dr. Kief van 1 oktober 2016 niet kunnen doorgaan en wij betreuren dit ten zeerste. Het bestuur heeft echter besloten om op vraag van sommige leden het congres dienaangaande alsnog te laten doorgaan op 24 juni 2017. Wij hopen deze maal op uw aanwezigheid te mogen rekenen! Onderwerp Vitamine C + Ozontherapie: Een jarenlang twistpunt over het nut en toediening van Vitamine C zal hier worden behandeld en toegelicht door Dr. Kief. Dr. Kief is een vermaard spreker en is al op een 300 tal internationale en nationale congressen als spreker opgetreden. Zie bijlage “Professional background of Kief “ of bezoek onze website Onze website is nog in ontwikkeling en zal kortelings worden afgewerkt. Locatie Bij kleine bezetting: Bij grote bezetting: Algemeen Klinisch Labo Lier – Lispersteenweg 469 – 2500 Lier Labo CMA – Antwerpen (zal later nog worden bevestigd) Programma Aanvang Middagmaal Praktische toepassingen 10 uur (onthaal vanaf 9u30) 13 uur tot 14u30 (prijs 25 €) Van 14.30 tot einde Inkom Leden 100 € Niet-leden 135 € Gelieve dit te storten op rekening SDO: IBAN BE 58860012406379 met vermelding “Inschrijving SDO 24/06/2017”. Inschrijving op voorhand verplicht! Verdere inlichtingen kan u bekomen bij Dr. Van Offel op het nummer 03/271.08.35 of via mail Bij afwezigheid kan dit bij de Heer Dhuygelaere Freddy op het nummer 0475/44.14.43 of via mail Noteer alvast 24 juni 2017 in uw agenda. Met collegiale groeten, Dr. Wollaert Peter De Voorzitter Professional background of Dr. med. Horst Kief After studying in Heidelberg, Kiel and Freiburg and completing his dissertation in the Radiology Institute of the University of Freiburg, at the beginning of the 1970s, Dr. Kief settled in Ludwigshafen as a specialist after a few years of medical practice. Since then, the further development of the natural and complementary medicine and their symbioses with conventional medicine has been the focus of his scientific and practical work. Many of his procedures developed there have become a standard today. One of the therapies developed by Dr. Kief was the hyperbaric ozone oxygen therapy, with which a great number of therapists are working all over the world. In 1978 he managed to clinically demonstrate the metabolic effects of this therapy on the parameters of cholesterol, triglycerides and uric acid. In 1983, the immunomodulatory effect of ozone-oxygen composites on chronic hepatitis was demonstrated. One year later, a catalytic chain reaction through O2/O3 composites in the human blood and their use in the early detection of cancer was discovered. Dr. Kief also successfully demonstrated the statistical evidence of remissions of the cellular immune situation in HIV patients with the hyperbaric ozone oxygen therapy. After the in-vitro cultivations of whole-blood cultures in an ozone-oxygen atmosphere, in 1998 the development of the autologous immunotherapy "AHIT" for the treatment of autoimmune diseases such as neurodermatitis, asthma, rheumatism and other similar disorders began. From 1990 to 2000, Dr. Kief published a series of internationally respected works on autologous immunotherapy in relation to neurodermatitis, psoriasis, asthma and rheumatism. In 2005 he developed the culture transformation test (KT-Test) which was to set a new milestone in optimising the diagnosis of all disorders which can be treated with AHIT. Due to its extremely high efficiency, the culture transformation test is also used in other investigations: more than 300 various bacterial, viral or allergenic pathogens (antigens and antigen combinations) can be compared and contrasted on their scale. This provides the therapist with an insight into the individual immunological happenings. The triggers or even co-factors of diseases are recognised and can be transformed into diagnostic statements. Dr. Kief has written a multitude of publications in national, scientific and medical journals and was invited to give around 300 professional presentations at national and international congresses as a recognised expert. He has developed more than 25 patents, including some in the medical, immunological field. Dr. Kief has been a scientific consultant in the company FBM-PHARMA GmbH since 1995 and today offers his expertise to the natural and complementary medicine division of Vaccentis AG.