Annual Report 2014 URG Unit of Reproductive Medicine Regional hospital ‘Heilig Hart’ in Leuven, Belgium Results of the first year in the new IVF lab of LIFE, the Leuven Institute for Fertility and Embryology. TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE 1. THE PATIENT Age distribution of the fresh IVF cycles. 2. RESULTS OF THE IVF AND ICSI CYCLES A. B. C. D. E. F. Fertilization rates at IVF and ICSI Implantation rates Pregnancy rates Influence of the moment of embryo transfer Cumulative pregnancy rates Results of the cryo cycles 3. RESULTS OF THE INSEMINATION CYCLES 4. AREAS OF EXPERTISE 5. WHO IS WHO? 6. PUBLICATIONS OF THE TEAM MEMBERS OF LIFE IN 2014 AND THE ORGANISATION OF THE 23rd ANNUAL ESGE CONGRESS IN BRUSSELS, 24-27/09/2014 URG * Unit voor Reproductieve Geneeskunde * Regionaal ziekenhuis Heilig Hart Leuven Naamsestraat 105, 3000 Leuven * Tel. +32 16 209030 * Fax +32 16 209040 * p. 2 PREFACE "When performance is measured, performance improves. When performance is measured and reported, the rate of improvement accelerates" LIFE, the Leuven Institute for Fertility and Embryology, has been devoted with heart and soul to the exploration and treatment of infertility since 1984, i.e. more than 30 years. Besides these clinical activities, LIFE always had a strong interest in clinical and scientific research. This not only resulted in numerous publications in peer reviewed scientific journals and an active participation in many international congresses, but also in the development of a minimally invasive endoscopic exploration technique for female infertility, i.e. the transvaginal hydrolaparoscopy, and in the realization of international partnerships to promote multicentric scientific research. In 2013 the “Unit voor Reproductieve Geneeskunde (URG)” (i.e. the Reproductive Medicine Unit) at the ‘Heilig Hart’ (i.e. Dutch for Holy Heart) hospital in the city centre of Leuven, was completely renovated, the icing of the cake being the realization of a state of the art high-tech IVF lab. These efforts now start to bear fruit with implantation and cumulative pregnancy rates we, together with the whole team, are really proud of. Many companies publish annual reports to distribute spreadsheets among share- and stakeholders, competitors and other interested parties. This is of course more than just looking back. It also reflects a vision towards the future, to distinguish between the good things and the things that need to be, can be and will be improved. Our shareholders are the colleagues who refer patients to us: the patient’s GP’s and their specialists. Besides our daily contacts with our patients these figures and statistics give you a clear feedback on the care we provide. Our patients are our stakeholders. Their problem of infertility is our challenge, our motivation and incentive. These figures concern them in the first place. More transparency in health care is becoming unavoidable. And that is exactly what we want to offer you with this report. The LIFE team URG * Unit voor Reproductieve Geneeskunde * Regionaal ziekenhuis Heilig Hart Leuven Naamsestraat 105, 3000 Leuven * Tel. +32 16 209030 * Fax +32 16 209040 * p. 3 1. THE PATIENT Age distribution in the IVF cycles. In 47% of our cycles the patients are younger than 36 years of age. In 53% of the cycles patients are older than 35. Distribution of patient age groups in IVF cycles (%) 50 47,2 40 31,7 30 21,1 20 10 0 -35] [36-39] [40- URG * Unit voor Reproductieve Geneeskunde * Regionaal ziekenhuis Heilig Hart Leuven Naamsestraat 105, 3000 Leuven * Tel. +32 16 209030 * Fax +32 16 209040 * p. 4 2. IVF AND ICSI RESULTS A. Fertilisation rates at IVF and ICSI In patients younger than 36 the chance of an oocyte getting fertilized in our lab is 67,5 % with ICSI and 56,3 % with IVF. Fertilisation rates following IVF and ICSI 75,6 80 67,5 60 69,5 66,2 56,2 52,9 42,6 39,4 Fert% ICSI 40 Fert% IVF 20 0 -35] [36-39] [40- ALLE URG * Unit voor Reproductieve Geneeskunde * Regionaal ziekenhuis Heilig Hart Leuven Naamsestraat 105, 3000 Leuven * Tel. +32 16 209030 * Fax +32 16 209040 * p. 5 B. Implantation rates Here we look at the chance of an embryo implanting in the uterine cavity following the embryo transfer, i.e. the percentage of embryos which successfully undergo implantation compared to the number of embryos transferred in a given period. In practice, it is calculated as the number of intrauterine gestational sacs observed by transvaginal ultrasonography divided by the number of transferred embryos. Implantation rates per attempt and per age group 36,5 35,8 40,0 35,0 30,9 28,5 30,0 25,0 21,2 20,0 15,1 15,0 16,1 later attempts 8,6 10,0 1st attempt 5,0 0,0 % <36 40,0 35,0 36-39 >39 Totaal Implantation rates per age group 36,0 30,0 25,0 20,0 15,0 10,0 23,8 <36 36-39 20,6 >39 11,4 Total 5,0 0,0 In Belgium the law regarding medically assisted reproduction requires that patients younger than 36 can only have SET (i.e. a single embryo transfer) at their first IVF attempt and also at their second attempt whenever a top embryo is recognized. In all other cases patients of that age group can have DET (i.e. a double embryo transfer). In the age group above 39 (i.e. 40 and older) there is no limitation with regard to the number of embryos that can be transferred. In the age group between 36 and 39 maximum 2 fresh embryos can be replaced at the 1st and 2nd attempt and maximum 3 embryos at all subsequent attempts. URG * Unit voor Reproductieve Geneeskunde * Regionaal ziekenhuis Heilig Hart Leuven Naamsestraat 105, 3000 Leuven * Tel. +32 16 209030 * Fax +32 16 209040 * p. 6 C. Pregnancy rates per embryo transfer (ET) Here we look at the chance of a pregnancy per embryo transfer, regardless of the number of embryos that were transferred: 47% of all fresh embryo transfers in patients younger than 36 result in a pregnancy; 36% was ongoing. Pregnancy rates per embryo transfer 50 40 47,2 35,8 37,1 29,1 30 24,6 ZW % 20 ONG ZW % 10,9 10 0 <36 jaar [36-39] [40 URG * Unit voor Reproductieve Geneeskunde * Regionaal ziekenhuis Heilig Hart Leuven Naamsestraat 105, 3000 Leuven * Tel. +32 16 209030 * Fax +32 16 209040 * p. 7 D. Influence of the moment of embryo transfer 47% of all fresh embryo transfers was performed at the first cellular division, i.e. day 2 38% of all fresh embryo transfers was performed at the second cellular division, i.e. day 3 10% of all fresh embryo transfers was performed at the fourth cellular division, i.e. day 5 Pregnancy rates per embryo transfer 58,9 60% 45% 44,6 41,5 37,6 27,0 30% 24,8 15% 0% DAG2 DAG3 zw%/ET DAG5 ZW ONG% URG * Unit voor Reproductieve Geneeskunde * Regionaal ziekenhuis Heilig Hart Leuven Naamsestraat 105, 3000 Leuven * Tel. +32 16 209030 * Fax +32 16 209040 * p. 8 E. Cumulative pregnancy rates Cumulative pregnancy rates, which is the overall chance of a birth, e.g. from the use of all the fresh and frozen embryos from a given IVF cycle, or from the use of all the fresh and frozen embryos of several IVF cycles. We calculated the cumulative pregnancy rate of all embryos, fresh and frozen, of all patients starting IVF in our new setting until one year later. More than 75% of all the young patients is pregnant within the frame of 2 IVF attempts and in 68,8% of these young patients the pregnancy is ongoing! And these results are not complete yet! 35,5% of the patients that were not pregnant following their 1st attempt did not start their 2nd IVF attempt as of yet; 36,2% of the patients that were not pregnant following their 2nd attempt did not start their 3rd IVF attempt as of yet; 44,8% of the patients that did not conceive following their 3rd IVF attempt did not start their 4th attempt as of yet. So these cumulative pregnancy rates will continue to increase! CUM ZW% / ET [36-39j] ≤35j ≥40j 90,00 81,3 82,1 76,8 80,00 74,2 77,3 68,2 70,00 60,7 60,00 56,1 58,5 50,0 50,00 43,9 36,6 40,00 30,00 20,00 10,00 ,00 P1 P2 P3 P4 P1 P2 P3 P4 P1 P2 P3 P4 URG * Unit voor Reproductieve Geneeskunde * Regionaal ziekenhuis Heilig Hart Leuven Naamsestraat 105, 3000 Leuven * Tel. +32 16 209030 * Fax +32 16 209040 * p. 9 F. CRYO RESULTS 2014 The pregnancy rate following an own embryo cryo cycle is 32,2% and the ongoing pregnancy rate in that case is 20,5%. This is the global result of all age groups combined. The following graph also shows you the results per age group. Pregnancy rate following the transfer of thawed own embryos 40 36,9 32,2 30 23,5 20 24,7 22,7 15,7 20,5 14,7 10 0 36 min 36-38 39 -plus ZW% Eindtotaal ONG Day 5 embryos give a higher pregnancy rate, fresh or frozen/thawed. Unlike the situation in fresh cycles, the pregnancy rate of Day 3 frozen/thawed embryos is clearly higher than of Day 2 embryos. In view of these good results with Day 5 cryotransfers, a randomized prospective trial is currently ongoing in our department to determine the optimal moment to freeze the embryos, either on Day 2 or 3 on the one hand, or on Day 5 on the other. We particularly await the results of the cumulative pregnancy rates of the Day 5 cryo program before deciding to allow all embryos, including the fresh ones, to grow till Day 5, i.e. the blastocyst stage. URG * Unit voor Reproductieve Geneeskunde * Regionaal ziekenhuis Heilig Hart Leuven Naamsestraat 105, 3000 Leuven * Tel. +32 16 209030 * Fax +32 16 209040 * p. 10 3. RESULTS OF THE INSEMINATIONS Pregnancy rate per cycle. In 2014 12,2% of the IUI (‘intra-uterine insemination’) cycles led to a pregnancy; 11% is ongoing. For AID (artificial insemination with donor sperm) the pregnancy rate was 18,6% in 2014, with 14,5% as the ongoing pregnancy rate. IUI & AID results 2014 20 18,6 14,5 15 12,2 11,0 PR (%) 10 ongoing PR (%) 5 0 IUI-HH KID-HH URG * Unit voor Reproductieve Geneeskunde * Regionaal ziekenhuis Heilig Hart Leuven Naamsestraat 105, 3000 Leuven * Tel. +32 16 209030 * Fax +32 16 209040 * p. 11 If we make a classification based on the 3 age groups: 23,9% of the AID cycles in patients younger than 36 led to a pregnancy whereas only 14,4% of the IUI cycles with sperm of the partner resulted in a pregnancy in that same age group. Unsurprisingly donor cycles give a much higher pregnancy rate. IUI & AID pregnancy rates / age group in 2014 23,9 25 20,9 20 18,4 16,4 15 14,4 12,6 PR (%) 10 8,6 ongoing PR (%) 8,6 6,7 6,7 5 2,3 2,3 0 -35] [36-39] IUI [40- -35] [36-39] [40- AID URG * Unit voor Reproductieve Geneeskunde * Regionaal ziekenhuis Heilig Hart Leuven Naamsestraat 105, 3000 Leuven * Tel. +32 16 209030 * Fax +32 16 209040 * p. 12 4. AREAS OF EXPERTISE A. Transvaginal hydrolaparoscopy If endoscopy is the gold standard in the female fertility exploration, then the in LIFE developed transvaginal hydrolaparoscopy (THL or TVL) surely meets all its criteria on a patientfriendly and outpatient manner. B. Endometriosis surgery In 3 decades we developed a significant expertise in the endoscopic treatment of both minimal and severe ovarian and/or rectovaginal endometriosis. C. Hysteroscopy Despite all techniques the uterus plays a crucial role for embryo implantation. Therefore, the hysteroscopical correction of any deviation has always been a priority in our center. Recently the LIFE team developed a new instrument, a so called spirotome, to take biopsies of the subendometrial zone for the diagnosis of abnormalities of the junctional zone and/or adenomyosis. URG * Unit voor Reproductieve Geneeskunde * Regionaal ziekenhuis Heilig Hart Leuven Naamsestraat 105, 3000 Leuven * Tel. +32 16 209030 * Fax +32 16 209040 * p. 13 D. Surgical repair of the niche underneath the scar of a C-section The formation of a niche underneath the scar in the uterus following a caesarean section is a relatively recent and underestimated problem, which can cause infertility. Various surgical procedures such as laparoscopic excision under hysteroscopic guidance, hysteroscopically directed bipolar coagulation, etc. can provide a solution here. E. Tubal surgery Our team has built an impressive expertise in microsurgical tubal reanastomosis in a large series of patients, the results and pregnancy rates of which were published in Fertil Steril (2009; 92 (4): 1198-1202). To date, tubal surgery remains a valuable option for selected patients, despite the good results of IVF. F. Expertise for congenital malformations Dr. Gordts and Dr. Campo contributed to the ESHRE/ESGE consensus on the classification of congenital anomalies of the female genital tract. (Human Reproduction 2013; 28 (8): 2032-2044) G. 3D and 4D ultrsonography 3D and 4D ultrasound is the gold standard to identify uterine anomalies and irregularities, in experienced hands with almost the same efficacy as with an MRI. URG * Unit voor Reproductieve Geneeskunde * Regionaal ziekenhuis Heilig Hart Leuven Naamsestraat 105, 3000 Leuven * Tel. +32 16 209030 * Fax +32 16 209040 * p. 14 5. WHO IS WHO? Dr. Stephan Gordts (founder of LIFE, scientific director) Dr. Patrick Puttemans (head of URG, administrator of the bank of human gametes & embryos and head of the 1day surgery department at the Heilig Hart hospital) Dr. Rudi Campo (coordinator foreign patients within LIFE, director of +he European Academy at ESGE, consultant at the ZOL hospital in Genk, former president of the ESGE) Dr. Sylvie Gordts (head of the URG IVF lab, PGD-PGS program laparoscopic myomectomies, laparoscopic surgery of ovarian and deep rectovaginal endometriosis) Dr. Marion Valkenburg (egg donation program, expert second opinion of patients coming from the Netherlands) Dr. Isabelle Segaert (repeated implantation failure, adenomyosis 3D and 4D vaginal ultrasonography) Emeritus Prof. Dr. Ivo Brosens (scientific support) URG * Unit voor Reproductieve Geneeskunde * Regionaal ziekenhuis Heilig Hart Leuven Naamsestraat 105, 3000 Leuven * Tel. +32 16 209030 * Fax +32 16 209040 * p. 15 6. Publications of/with team members of LIFE in 2014 & the organization of the ESGE Congress in Brussels in 2014 1. Benagiano G, Brosens I. The multidisciplinary approach. Best. Pract. Res. Clin. Obstet. Gynaecol. 2014:28(8):1114-22. 2. Benagiano G, Brosens I. In utero exposure and endometriosis. J. Matern. Fetal Neonatal Med. 2014: 27(3): 303-8. 3. Benagiano G, Brosens I, Habiba M. Adenomyosis: a life-cycle approach. Reprod. Biomed. Online. 2014. 4. Benagiano G, Brosens I, Lippi D. The history of endometriosis. Gynecol. Obstet. Invest 2014: 78: 1-9. 5. Benagiano G, Bastianelli C, Farris M, Brosens I. Selective progesterone receptor modulators: an update. Expert. Opin. Pharmacother. 2014: 15(10): 1403-15. 6. Benagiano G, Brosens I, Habiba M. Structural and molecular features of the endomyometrium in endometriosis and adenomyosis. Hum. Reprod. Update. 2014: 20(3): 386-402. 7. Brosens I, Gordts S, Puttemans P (2014): Endometriose, van neonaat tot adolescent. Gunaïkeia, 19 (8), 8-11. 8. Brosens I, Benagiano G. Pregnancy and reproductive health after solid organ transplantation. Editorial in Best. Pract. Res. Clin. Obstet. Gynaecol. 2014: 28(8): 1113. 9. Brosens I, Gordts S, Puttemans P, Benagiano G. Pathophysiology proposed as the basis for modern management of the ovarian endometrioma. Reprod. Biomed. Online. 2014: 28: 232-8. 10. Brosens I, Brosens JJ, Benagiano G. The risk of obstetrical syndromes after solid organ transplantation. Best. Pract. Res. Clin. Obstet. Gynaecol. 2014: 28(8): 1211-21. 11. Brosens I, Gordts S, Puttemans P (2014): Endometriose, van neonaat tot adolescent. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Obstetrie en Gynaecologie, 127, 442-7. 12. Brosens I, Gordts S, Puttemans P. “La crise génitale du nouveau-né” and early onset endometriosis: the risks of delayed diagnosis. Références en Gynécologie Obstétrique 2014: 17 (1): 1-5. 13. Campo R, Puga M, Meier FR, Wattiez A, De Wilde RL. Excellence needs training "Certified programme in endoscopic surgery". Facts.Views.Vis.Obgyn. 2014: 6: 240-4. 14. Campo R., R. Meier, N. Dhont, G. Mestdagh, W. Ombelet. Implementation of hysteroscopy in an infertility clinic: The one-stop uterine diagnosis and treatment. Facts Views Vis Obgyn, 2014, 6 (4): 235-9 15. De Neubourg D, Bogaerts K, Wyns C, Camus M, Delbaere A, Delvigne A, De Sutter P, Dubois M, Gordts S, Lejeune B, Leroy F, Vandekerckhove F, D'Hooghe T. Reply: the danger of ignoring pregnancy and delivery rates in ART. Hum. Reprod. 2014: 29: 18301. 16. Gargett CE, Schwab KE, Brosens JJ, Puttemans P, Benagiano G, Brosens I. Potential role of endometrial stem/progenitor cells in the pathogenesis of early-onset endometriosis. Mol. Hum. Reprod. 2014: 20: 591-8. URG * Unit voor Reproductieve Geneeskunde * Regionaal ziekenhuis Heilig Hart Leuven Naamsestraat 105, 3000 Leuven * Tel. +32 16 209030 * Fax +32 16 209040 * p. 16 17. Grimbizis GF, Gordts S, Di Spiezio SA, Brucker SY, De Angelis C, Gergolet M, Li TC, Tanos V, Brolmann HH, Gianaroli L, Campo R. Reply: are the ESHRE/ESGE criteria of female genital anomalies for diagnosis of septate uterus appropriate? Hum. Reprod. 2014: 29: 868-9. 18. Gordts S, Campo R, Brosens I. Hysteroscopic diagnosis and excision of myometrial cystic adenomyosis. Gynecol.Surg. 2014: 11: 273-8. 19. Gordts S, Puttemans P, Gordts S, Valkenburg M, Brosens I, Campo R. Transvaginal endoscopy and small ovarian endometriomas: Unravelling the missing link? Gynecol. Surg. 2014: 11 (1): 3-7. 20. Klerkx E. , M. Janssen, I. Van Der Auwera, R. Campo, J. Goossens, A. Vereecken, W. Ombelet. A Simplified IVF Laboratory Method. Facts Views Vis. ObGyn, 2014, Monograph: 4-5 21. Lopes AS1, Frederickx V, Van Kerkhoven G, Campo R, Puttemans P, Gordts S. Survival, re-expansion and cell survival of human blastocysts following vitrification and warming using two vitrification systems. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2014 Nov 9. 22. Meier R. Furst, R. Campo. Book Article "T-Shaped Uterus." In: Female Genital Tract Congenital Malformations: Classification, Diagnosis, and Management Edited by Drs. G.F. Grimbizis, R Campo, B.C. Tarlatzis and S. Gordts. Springer 2014. 23. Ombelet W, Van Blerkom J, Klerkx E, Janssen M, Dhont N, Mestdagh G, Nargund G, Campo R. The (t)WE lab Simplified IVF Procedure: First Births after freezing/thawing. Facts Views Vis. Obgyn. 2014;6(1):45-9. 24. Puttemans P, Gordts S, Valkenburg M, Campo R, Gordts Sy, Brosens I. Endometriose bij de adolescent: proactieve diagnose en behandeling ter preventie van onvruchtbaarheid. Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 2014: 70(6): 302-10. 25. Thijssen A, Klerkx E, Huyser C, Bosmans E, Campo R, Ombelet W. Influence of temperature and sperm preparation on the quality of spermatozoa. Reprod. Biomed. Online. 2014: 28: 436-42. 26. Van Blerkom J, Ombelet W, Klerkx E, Janssen M, Dhont N, Nargund G, Campo R. First births with a simplified culture system for clinical IVF and embryo transfer. Reprod. Biomed. Online. 2014: 28: 310-20. 27. Venetis CA, Papadopoulos SP, Campo R, Gordts S, Tarlatzis BC, Grimbizis GF. Clinical implications of congenital uterine anomalies: a meta-analysis of comparative studies. Reprod. Biomed. Online. 2014: 29(6): 665-83. URG * Unit voor Reproductieve Geneeskunde * Regionaal ziekenhuis Heilig Hart Leuven Naamsestraat 105, 3000 Leuven * Tel. +32 16 209030 * Fax +32 16 209040 * p. 17 URG * Unit voor Reproductieve Geneeskunde * Regionaal ziekenhuis Heilig Hart Leuven Naamsestraat 105, 3000 Leuven * Tel. +32 16 209030 * Fax +32 16 209040 * p. 18