curriculum Biographical data Name: Place/date of birth: Sex: Marital status: Citizenship: Present address: vitae NIEHOF, Anke Sabang (Indonesia), April 28, 1948 female married to Roy E. JORDAAN, 2 children Dutch Onder de Bomen 2 6871 CH Renkum Netherlands Tel.: 0317-350183 / 482622 (work) e-mail: Education Primary and secondary education: 1958-1963: Paramaribo, Surinam; 1963-1966: The Hague, Netherlands. Academic education: 1972: MA Leiden University (cum laude): anthropology, sociology, Indonesian studies. 1976: University of Groningen: masters course demography. 1985: PhD. Leiden University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Anthropology, thesis entitled: “Women and Fertility in Madura, Indonesia”. Language skills Mother tongue: Dutch; English and Indonesian: fluently; French and German: passive. Professional history 1993 - present: 1991 - 1993: 1988 - 1991: 1986 - 1988: 1980 - 1986: 1977 - 1980: 1975 - 1977: 1972 - 1975: Full professorship at Wageningen University, occupying the Chair of Sociology of Consumers and Households, Department of Social Sciences, and official co-ordinator for Gender Education (since 2001). Working as staff at Policy Planning Section at the Department for International Co-operation (DGIS) of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, portfolio: culture-and-development and population issues. Teamleader of a micro-finance and training project for women in rural West Java, and Advisor to the Indonesian National Family Planning Co-ordinating Board (BKKBN) in Jakarta. Employed by Agro-Vision Holland (consultancy agency). Working as staff at DGIS Policy Planning Section (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), portfolio of culture-and-development and population issues. Attached to Leiden University to train Indonesian post-graduate anthropologists in research methodology. PhD research. Fieldwork: 1977-79 Madura (East Java), Indonesia. Head of the Bureau Indonesian Studies (Leiden) for implementation of the Joint Indonesian-Dutch Programme for Indonesian Studies. Member of the team of the joint and interdisciplinary Indonesian-Dutch Project for Family Planning Research and Training in Serpong, West Java, funded by NUFFIC. 1 Assignments, project management, memberships AWLAE Project 2002-2010: WU project leader of the DGIS-funded AWLAE (African Women Leaders in Agriculture and the Environment.) project, in the framework of which 20 women from 12 African countries do their PhD at Wageningen University. DGIS-missions:1992: Evaluation of the INIS-Project, Dutch-Indonesian co-operation in the field of Islamic studies. 1987, 1986, 1984: Evaluation of Dutch-Indonesian cooperation in the field of family planning and population. Leiden University: 1980: Preparation of co-operation with Hasanuddin University (Ujung Pandang, Indonesia) in the field of public health. 1976: Writing the Plan of Operations for co-operation with the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Universitas Indonesia in Jakarta. (Both NUFFIC projects). 1972 - 1975: Honorary lecturer at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Universitas Indonesia in Jakarta. Memberships: 1. Advisory Board UPWARD (Users’ Perspectives With Agricultural Research and Development), a CIP program, based in Los Baňos (Phil.). 2. Board and Technical Committee of the Neys-Van Hoogstraten Foundation, which supports socio-economic research in Asia in the field of household food security and family nutrition (1994-present). 3. Committee for Development Cooperation (COS), Advisory Council (AIV) for the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2007-present). 4. Chair of the board of the Prince Claus Fund for Culture and Development (19962003). 5. Member of the board of the World Population Foundation (1996-2002). 6. Editorial Board of the International Journal of Consumer Studies (2002-present). 7. Editorial Board of NJAS, Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences (2006-present). Selected publications 2010 & Gabriel Rugalema, Stuart Gillespie (Eds), AIDS and Rural Livelihoods in Sub-Saharan Africa. London: Earthscan. [in press] 2010 Food, Diversity, Vulnerability and Social Change: Research findings from insular Southeast Asia. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers. 2008 & L. Price, “Etic and emic perspectives on HIV/AIDS impacts on rural livelihoods and agricultural practice”, NJAS Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences 56(3): 139-153. 2008 “Introduction: Dimensions of resilience in a context of health-related adversity”, Medische Antropologie 20(2): 217-227. 2008 “Ontwikkelingssamenwerking Nederland-Indonesië: de breuk 1991-1992”, Internationale Spectator 62(9): 481-487. 2007 “Fish and female agency in a Madurese fishing village in Indonesia”, Moussons 11: 185-209. 2006 & N. Blijham, L. de Kan, “Determinants and adequacy of food consumption of children in La Trinidad, Philippines”, International Journal of Consumer Studies 2006 “Reproduction: Conception, Reproductive Choices, and Islam”, in: Encyclopaedia of Women in Islamic Cultures (EWIC), Vol. 3, pp. 322-326. Leiden: Brill. 2005 & R.E. Jordaan & Affandy Santoso, “Technological and social change in a Madurese fishing village (1978-2004)”, Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 161(4): 397-432. 2004 “A micro-ecological approach to home care for AIDS patients”, Medische Antropologie 16(2): 2 2004 2004 2003 2003 2002 2001 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1993 1992 1992 1988 1988 1986 1985 1982 1978 245-265. “The significance of diversification for rural livelihoods”, Food Policy 29(4): 321-338. & A. Negash, “The significance of enset culture and biodiversity for rural food and livelihood security in Southwestern Ethiopia”, Agriculture and Human Values 21(6): 61-71. & Firman Lubis (Eds.), Two is Enough: Family Planning in Indonesia under the New Order (19681998), Leiden: KITLV Press. & F. Lubis, “Family planning in practice: Cases from the field”. In: A. Niehof & F. Lubis (Eds), Two is Enough: Family Planning in Indonesia under the New Order (1968-1998), pp. 119-151. Leiden: KITLV Press. “The household production of care”. In: C.A.A. Butijn et al. (Eds.), Changes at the Other End of the Chain, pp. 179-189. Maastricht: Shaker Publishing. “Population and Fertility: Global Trends, National Policies, and Women’s Lives”. In: Identity, Locality and Globalization, pp.199-223. New Delhi: Indian Council of Social Science Research. “The anthropologist as formal broker between ‘North’ and ‘South’, The Development Anthropologist 17(1-2): 72-79. “The changing lives of Indonesian women: Contained emancipation under pressure”, Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, Vol.154/2, pp.236-258. “Ouderen, zorg en welzijn: een pleidooi voor een vergelijkende benadering”, Medische Antropologie, 9(1): pp.7-23. & F. Bos, M. Leutscher, “Aids in Afrika: Rampspoed en aanzet tot sociale verandering”, Medische Antropologie, 8(1): 169-184. “Ageing and the elderly in Indonesia: Identifying key issues”, Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 151(3): pp.422-438. “The problematic relationship between culture and development in international cooperation”, in W.A. Shadid & P.J.M. Nas (Eds) Culture, Development and Communication. Leiden: CNWS publications no.17. “Mediating roles of the traditional birth attendant in Indonesia”, in Sita van Bemmelen et al. (eds.) Women and Mediation in Indonesia. Leiden: KITLV Press. & Elsbeth Locher-Scholten, “Introduction”, in Elsbeth Locher-Scholten & Anke Niehof (Eds) Indonesian Women in Focus. Leiden: KITLV Press [2nd edition]. “Traditional medication at pregnancy and childbirth in Madura, Indonesia”, in: S. van der Geest & S. Reynolds Whyte (eds.) The Context of Medicines in Developing Countries. Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers. & R.E. Jordaan, “Sirih-pinang and symbolic dualism in Indonesia”, in D. Moyer & H. Claessens (Eds) Time Past, Time Present, Time Future: Perspectives on Indonesian Culture. Dordrecht: Foris. “Family planning and religious leaders in rural Madura, Indonesia”, in Ph. Quarles van Ufford (ed.) Local Leadership and Programme Implementation in Indonesia. Amsterdam: Free University Press. Women and Fertility in Madura, Indonesia. PhD Thesis. Leiden University. & Roy E. Jordaan, “Patondu revisited: a case study of modernisation in fishery”, Review of Indonesian and Malayan Affairs (RIMA) 16(2). & Hatta Sastramihardja, “The Community-based Channels for the Diffusion of Family Planning”, in Lida C.L. Zuidberg (ed.) Family Planning in Rural West Java. The Serpong Project. Jakarta: Penerbit Djambatan. 3