Curriculum Vitae Personal information Name: Email: Birth date: Nationality: Tom van der Molen July 15th 1977 Dutch Education Sept. 2005- Aug. 2006 Sept. 2002- July 2005 Sept. 1995- May 2004 Sept. 1989- May 1995 Masters in Early Modern Art History, University of Amsterdam. Bachelors in Art History, University of Amsterdam. Masters in Medicine, VU University Amsterdam VWO (pre-university education) at “Stad en Esch”, Meppel Work experience July 2007- present Nov. 2007- July 2007 Dec. 2006- present Aug. 2006- Dec. 2006 Sep. 2003- July 2006 2001, 2002 2001 2000, 2002 Assistant-curator at the upcoming exhibition De Oude Meesters van de stad Amsterdam in the Amsterdams Historisch Museum Assistant to the catalogue De Oude Meesters van de stad Amsterdam, Amsterdams Historisch Museum. Project employee AMC, Amsterdam, including ICT-projects, webmaster of Administrative work for a recruitment agency. Salesclerk in the Rijksmuseum Museumshop, Amsterdam. Teaching assistant in the elective Child and Adolescent Psychiatry course, VU University Amsterdam. Sports editor Ad Valvas, weekly magazine, VU University Amsterdam. Organizer of the elective Child and Adolescent Psychiatry course, VU University Amsterdam. Skills Languages: Dutch: Mother tongue. English: Excellent active and passive knowledge. French: Good passive, reasonable active knowledge. German: Good passive, reasonable active knowledge. Computer skills Wide experience with all current software systems (e.g. Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access). Considerable experience with web building, web development and database systems. List of Publications Appearing later in 2008 M.J. Bok, T. van der Molen, ‘Productivity levels of Rembrandt and his main competitors in the Amsterdam art market’ (Appears later this year in a special issue of the Jahrbuch Preussischer Kulturbesitz). 2008 T. van der Molen, ´59 Portret van Michiel Adriaenszoon de Ruyter’, ‘60 De kapitein’, ‘61 Portret van Willem III’ en ‘62 Portret van Margaretha van Raephorst’ in E. Schreuder, E. Kolfin e.a. Black is Beautiful: Rubens tot Dumas. tent. cat. Nieuwe Kerk Amsterdam, july 26october 26, p. 262-264 2007 T. van der Molen, ‘Govert Flinck: ‘Geneigt tot grooter ondernemingen’’. Amstelodamum 94 (2007), p. 3-11. 2006 M.J. Bok en T. van der Molen, ‘Painting by numbers: an estimate of the production figures of Rembrandt and his main competitors in the Amsterdam art market' (lecture for the International symposium Rembrandt. Wissenschaft auf der Suche, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin / Freie Universität zu Berlin, 4-5 november 2006). Thesis: Master’s thesis: Esaias Boursse (1631-1672). Een Amsterdamse genreschilder in zijn tijd. (Supervisor: Elmer Kolfin). Bachelor’s thesis: Haarlemse kopstukken. De opdrachtgevers voor portretten in Haarlem in de zeventiende eeuw. (Supervisor: Marten Jan Bok).