Curriculum Vitae of ir. W.O. van Ooijen Name Education Born Professional since Functions Telephone Address Email Website Company Updated Wouter Olaf van Ooijen Technical University Delft - informatics (ir / PHD) 18 September 1962 1988 shop-owner, teacher, programmer, tester, designer, architect, consultant 06-44286985 (office hours); 033-4621296 (private/evenings) Utrechtseweg 173, 3818 ED Amersfoort; the Netherlands Van Ooijen Technische Informatica (VOTI) 2015-08-26 I am a software professional with a passion for electronics. I have a solid background in my field of work, which is the technical application of software, and adequate knowledge of neighboring domains (mathematics, electronics, physics, chemistry, biology). I am quick to learn the essences of new subjects. I have worked in various roles in projects where electronics, real-time aspects, and data-communication were important factors. At the moment I lecture at the Hogeschool Utrecht and I run a webshop in (micro-) electronics. I started my career as programmer with the hiring company ICT Automatisering, for which I worked internally and externally at various projects. I became a ‘problem solver’ for technically challenging problems that involved both software, and other technical domains. For me ‘solving’ means identifying and (as far as possible) quantifying the consequences of the available alternatives, so a well-founded decision can be made. Often the non-softawre aspects (hardware, costs, risks, schedule impact, politics, company culture) are what makes a problem really interesting (and challenging). In 2001 I started as an independent, with a webshop and hiring myself out as a freelancer. The shop has expanded, and the freelancing has been replaced by fixed-price contract work and teaching. My main activities are with Microchip PIC, and ARM/Cortex micro-controllers. I sell these chips (and related components), design products with them, and teach their use. Period employer 2004 – now Hogeschool Utrecht 2001 - 2002 Van Ooijen Technische Informatica 2001 - now Van Ooijen Technische Informatica 1999 - 2001 ICT Automatisering customer project Fokker Space / NLR ERA MPTE activity Teacher (0.4 FTE) Tester / programmer Webshop, design work Owner ATM communication system European Robotic Arm system architect 1995 - 1998 ICT Automatisering Thales Communications / Signaal Communications Fokker Space 1994 - 1995 ICT Automatisering NCR/AT&T 1989 - 1994 ICT Automatisering ICT Automatisering 1988 – 1989 st Elisabeth hospital - 1985 - 1988 Technische Universiteit Delft - cheque processing system industrial communication and data-acquisition system laboratory automation system computer practica period 1982 -1988 1981 - 1982 1977 - 1981 1974 - 1977 education TU Delft – informatics TU Delft – electronics Vrije School Scholengemeenschap 'Hugo Grotius' CV Wouter van Ooijen system designer , subcontractor contacts programmer team leader programmer, tester, designer, trainer, team leader designer, programmer student-assistant result ir VWO-B - 1 keywords programming languages operating systems methods protocols tools chips internet special interests, hobbies C++, C, Python,Ada, Pascal, VisualBasic, Awk, Tcl/Tk, embedded SQL, Jal, assembler Unix, MSDOS, Windows, VMS, ELN, bare metal HRT-HOOD, Fagan inspection, Yourdon, ESA PSS-05 TCP/IP, ATM, MIL-1553, DECnet, OSI MsWord, MsAccess, Shells, Doors, Tcat-Path, EuroSim, MPLAB Microchip PIC, NXP (voorheen Philips) LPC ARM/Cortex - webwinkel - C++ blogs – “objects no thanks” talk at Meeting C++ - Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange - linkedin badminton, origami, folk muziek, biologie, electronica, systemeemontwerp, C++ op microcontrollers, geocaching, octrooi - en copyright recht VOTI Period activity werkgever keywords 2001 – now Webshop and design and (small scale) production work None Webshop, electronics, mailorder, design, production Ik run a webshop for microcontroller chips and related products. My customers range from entry-level hobbyists to small-scale professionals, the occasional a large company or a school. Most customers are in the Netherlands and Flanders, but a fair number is spread all over the world. I sell components, kits (both from kit suppliers and of my own design), ready-built circuits, and software. I buy from suppliers in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, USA, India, and China. As time permits I also do development and small-series production work. Examples: The electronic control box (hardware en firmware) for the motors in a human arm supporting prothese A cicuit (hardware only) for the calibration of taxi meters Hogeschool Utrecht Period Activity branches employer keywords 2004 – now Lessen creeeren en geven (0.4 FTE) Technical Informatics (in the past also Electronics, Security Technology) Hogeschool Utrecht Education, PIC microcontroller, LPC ARM microcontroller, assembler, C, C++ I give a number of courses at the Hogeschool Utrecht.The set of courses varies from year to year. Typical courses are: Introduction Computer Technology (computerarchitecture, datacommunication, networks, embedded systems) C, C++ (various courses, from beginner to adavanced) Assembler (PIC, ARM, Cortex) Microc-ontrollers (combining hardware and software) Architecture, modelling, UML, real-time programming VOTI/NLR: ERA MPTE period project activity customer employer keywords 2001 – 2002 MPTE: Mission Prepraration and Training Environment for ERA (see 1995-1998) testing, coding, documenting Fokker Space (Leiden) / co-located at NLR (Marknesse) freelancer as Van Ooijen Technische Informatica C, EuroSim, Tcl/Tk, Python, Tcat-Path CV Wouter van Ooijen 2 MPTE is a visual simulator of the ERA robot arm, the space station on which the robot is used, and the environment of the space station (sun, moon, earth, stars). MPTE is used for mission preparation and for cosmonaut training. I created automated test procedures for a number of simulation models developed at LNR. The procedures test both the functionality and the test path coverage (using Tcat-Path). I also rewrote and corrected the model code and wrote (or rewrote) the detailed designs. ICT/Thales : SmartNet period project activity customer employer keywords 1999 – 2001 SmartNet: a distributed communication system for the transport of audio and data (serial, Ethernet) using ATM technology system design Thales Communications / Signaal Communications (Huizen) ICT Automatisering Tcl/Tk, ATM, X.21 SmartNet is a communication system designed for military purposes. Its original intended use was as a voice and data communication system in military vehicles (tanks), either stand-alone or in groups (headquarters). An important civil customer is the NS (Dutch railways) where it is used to carry video, voice and data over the existing glass fiber infrastructure. I contributed to the system design of SmartNet, especially the interface definitions, the testability, the transport of synchronous data and the scalability. I created a tool that can be used to assess the feasibility of a SmartNet configuration. For this function a "verklaring van geen bezwaar" has been issued by the Dutch "Ministerie van Binnelandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties". ICT/Fokker Space : ERA period project activity customer employer keywords 1995 – 1998 the European Robotic Arm (ERA) for the international space station ISS system design, subcontractor contacts, automated testing Fokker Space (Leiden) ICT Automatisering Ada, C, Tcl/Tk, MsAccess, MIL-1553, PSS-05 The European Robotic Arm (ERA) is a robot arm for the Russian section of the international space station ISS. As the prime contractor Fokker Space is responsible for the system design, the project management and the integration and testing of the total system. I worked mainly on the central computer of the arm and on the datacommunication within the arm. Critical aspects were the performance of the processor and the reliability of the (Ada) compiler. Contacts with the subcontractors (SAAB, DASA, CRI/Matra, Tecnospazio, Alsys/Aonix) were an important part of my work. I also worked on the automated testing facility for the engineering model of the central computer. ICT/NCR : a cheque processing system period project activity customer employer keywords 1994 – 1995 a cheque processing system programmer, team leader NCR/AT&T (Amsterdam) ICT Automatisering C, C++, embedded SQL A cheque processing system was adapted for the Dutch situation. The system consisted of an optical cheque reader, a database system, an OCR engine, an number of data entry terminals and a mainframe connection. CV Wouter van Ooijen 3 I worked as (C/C++) programmer and as team leader. ICT : DM90 period project activity employer keywords 1989 – 1994 DM90: an industrial communication and data-acquisition product programmer, designer, trainer, team leader ICT Automatisering Pascal, VAX, ELN, C, Fortran, PLC, datacommunication DM90 is a real-time data-communication and data-acquisition product, sold mainly to for industrial process control (AKZO, DSM, ALDEL). A DM90 is a real-time DEC VAX with software developed by ICT that handles the communication with various industrial control systems (Honeywell, TDC, Siemens, AEG, SattControl). A DM90 gathers and stores real-time data and presents this data in a uniform way to a VAX-VMS system. I worked as (E-Pascal, C, Fortran) programmer, designer, trainer and as team leader. St Elisabeth Hospital : laboratory automation period project activity employer keywords 1988 - 1989 laboratory automation designer, programmer st Elisabeth hospital (Leiderdorp) Turbo Pascal The hospitals laboratory performs analysis on blood samples. The analysis requests are provided by the hospitals mainframe. The majority of the analysis are performed on automated analysis machines. I designed, implemented (TurboPascal) and introduced a network of PCs. One PC gets the requests from the mainframe, and feeds the authorized result back. The other PCs are each coupled to one or more analysis machines and receive the analysis results via RS-232 interfaces. These PCs are also used to select the analysis that are to be performed and to authorize the results. TU Delft : final assignment period project section keywords 1988 final assignment programming language translators and programming environments Ada, C I re-wrote (in C/assembler) the Ada tasking kernel of the Ada compiler that was being developed at the university, and I worked on a model for a distributed Ada tasking kernel. TU Delft : student-assistent period project activity employer keywords 1985 – 1988 (0.3 FTE) computer practica student-assistant Technische Universiteit Delft Pascal, PDP-11 assembler As student-assistant for a number of computer practica (Algol, Pascal, PDP11-assembler) I assisted and rated the students, and developed new assignments. CV Wouter van Ooijen 4