27. Snaphaan L, van der Werf S, de Leeuw FE. Time

Curriculum Vitae Frank-Erik de Leeuw
Personal details
Current position:
Frank-Erik de Leeuw
associate professor (UHD) clinical neurology, Radboud
University Nijmegen Medical Centre (chairman: Prof Dr. GWAM
Master's (‘Doctoraal’)
- medical biology (1991; University Utrecht)
- medicine (1993; MD 1995) (both University Medical Centre Utrecht)
- clinical epidemiology (1999; Erasmus Medical Centre Rotterdam)
Title of thesis: Determinants of cerebral white matter lesions. A longitudinal population
based MRI study. (1999).
Institute Epidemiology & Biostatistics, Erasmus Medical Centre Rotterdam
Supervisor (‘Promotor’): Prof Dr. MMB Breteler, Prof Dr. A. Hofman & Prof Dr. J. van Gijn
Training as medical specialist (Neurology)
- University Medical Centre Utrecht (1-1-1999 –30-4-2003; head clinical training: Prof Dr. J. van
- Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre (1-5-2003 – 31-12-2003; head clinical training:
Prof Dr. GWAM Padberg).
Fellowship cognitive neurology
Alzheimer Center, VU Medical Center Amsterdam (nov 2002-april 2003; head Prof Dr. Ph Scheltens).
Completed PhD projects as primary supervisor
1. L. Snaphaan. Epidemiology of post-stroke behavioural consequences.
Thesis defense: March 12th, 2010.
2. KF de Laat. Motor performance in individuals with cerebral small vessel disease: an MRI
Thesis defense: November 29th, 2011.
3. AGW van Norden. Cognitive function in elderly individuals with cerebral small vessel disease.
An MRI study.
Thesis defense: November 30th, 2011.
4. RAR Gons. Vascular risk factors in cerebral small vessel disease. A diffusion tensor imaging
Thesis defense: December 12th, 2012.
F-E de Leeuw currently directly supervises nine ongoing PhD project within the framework of
cerebral small vessel disease and “young stroke”.
Prospective cohort studies and trials
De Leeuw is the founder and principal investigator of the
- RUNDMC study, a prospective study on causes and consequences of cerebral small vessel
disease (baseline started in 2006).
- FUTURE study, the worlds’ largest study with the longest follow up on causes and
consequences of young stroke (baseline started in 2009).
- ODYSSEY study, a nationwide multicenter prospective cohort study on on causes and
consequences of young stroke (baseline started in 2013).
In addition he participated in several, both investigator and industry initiated, clinical trials and
International activities
Research fellowship at the Laboratoire de Plasticite Cerebrale, INSERM U.
254, Hopital Saint Charles, Montpellier, France (Prof Dr. M. Récasens).
Development of an in-vitro model for investigating GABAA receptor and
NMDA receptor function during cerebral ischemia with the aid of
member auditing committee for outcome events European/Australian
Stroke Prevention in Reversible Ischaemia Trial.
member CT scan auditing committee European/Australian Stroke
Prevention in Reversible Ischaemia Trial.
member editorial board Aging Health.
member scientific committee dementia expert panel European Federation
of the Neurological Society.
member of data monitoring committee of international double blind
randomized trial on the effects of Flurizan on Alzheimer Disease.
Member of the scientific committee of the International Society of
Vascular Behavioural and Cognitive Disorders.
Other academic activities
1999 – present :
Regular referee for over 10 national and international scientific
journals (including The Lancet, Annals of Neurology, Brain, Stroke),
as well as granting agencies.
• 2004 – 2008 :
Board member of the vascular academic top centre, Radboud
University Nijmegen Medical Centre.
• 2005 – 2008 :
Board member of Alzheimer Center Nijmegen, Radboud
University Nijmegen Medical Centre.
• 2005 – 2009 :
Board member of the Behavioral Neurology section of
the Dutch Federation of Neurology.
• 2006 – 2007 :
Member national committee to advise the minister with
respect to driving abilities of dementia patients.
• 2006 – 2008 :
Member editorial board Health Direct
• 2009 – 2012
Junior Principal Investigator at Radboud University Nijmegen
Medical Center. On the basis of selected criteria every three year
only a few clinicians are awarded with such a (j)PI.
2013Principal Investigator at Radboud University Nijmegen
Medical Center.
• 2009 –
Research coordinator department of Neurology, Radboud University
Nijmegen Medical Center
• 2010 Committee Member of the development and implementation of a
stroke research program of the “Dutch Brain Foundation”
Scholarships and prizes
• 2000 Research Award University Medical Center Utrecht.
• 2000 European Neurological Society Research Award.
• 2007 PhD student of my research group (Dr. Karlijn de Laat) awarded with best presentation
scientific meeting Dutch Society of Neurology
• 2010 PhD student of my research group (Dr. Anouk van Norden) awarded with young scientist
award by the European Stroke Organization.
• 2013 PhD student of my research group (Pauline Schaapsmeerders, MSc) awarded with
outstanding student research award by the International Neuropsychological Society.
• 2013 PhD student of my research group (Ellen van der Holst, MD) awarded with young scientist
award by the European Stroke Organization.
Grants (2004-2012)
Title project
Diffusion tensor imaging
in cerebral white matter
Hypertension and
hippocampal atrophy
treatment of patients
with symptomatic
Functional connectivity
and the risk of
Alzheimer’s disease
Functional connectivity
Alzheimer’s Disease: a
prospective study
Dementia in small vessel
Connectivity in Alzheimer
Small vessels and
cognitive function
Internationale Stichting
Alzheimer Onderzoek
Hersenstichting Nederland
(Dutch Brain Foundation)
Personal clinical fellowship
Internationale Stichting
Alzheimer Onderzoek
Sun Fire X4150
Radboud University
Nijmegen Medical Center.
Internal Donders Institute
V&U Onderzoeksapparatuur
Fabry and young stroke
Small vessel disease and
Post stroke epilepsy
Biomarker boosting
through e-science
Small vessels, big trouble
Nationaal Epilepsie Fonds
(Dutch Epilepsy Foundation)
TOTAL personal funding:
Funding Body
Personal fellowship
Hersenstichting Nederland
(Dutch Brain Foundation)
Radboud University
Nijmegen Medical Center.
Internal Donders Institute
Medical Insurance
Companies, The Netherlands
VIDI innovational grant
Top 10 key publications
1. Gons RA, Tuladhar AM, de Laat KF, van Norden AG, Norris DG, Zwiers MP, de Leeuw FE.
Physical activity is related to the structural integrity of cerebral white matter. Neurology
2013, August 6, epub Ahead of print.
Impactfactor 8.3
2. Rutten-Jacobs L, Arntz R, Maaijwee N, Schoonderwaldt H, Dorresteijn L, van Dijk EJ, de Leeuw
F-E. Long-term risk of recurrent vascular events after young stroke: the FUTURE study. Annals
of Neurology 2013; Jun 17. doi: 10.1002/ana.23953
Impact factor 11.2
3. Rutten-Jacobs L, Arntz R, Maaijwee N, Schoonderwaldt H, Dorresteijn L, van Dijk EJ, de Leeuw
F-E. Long-Term Mortality After Stroke Among Adults Aged 18-50 Years. JAMA 2013;309:113644.
Impactfactor 30.0
4. Joanna M Wardlaw, Eric E Smith, Geert J Biessels, Charlotte Cordonnier, Franz
Fazekas,Richard Frayne, Richard I. Lindley, John T O'Brien, Oscar R Benavente, Sandra Black,
Carol Brayne PhD, Monique Breteler, Hugues Chabriat, Charles DeCarli, Frank-Erik de Leeuw,
Fergus Doubal, Marco Duering,Nick Fox, Steven Greenberg, Vladimir Hachinski, Ingo
Kilimann, Vincent Mok, Robert van Oostenbrugge, Leonardo Pantoni, Oliver Speck, Blossom
CM Stephan, Stefan Teipel, Anand Viswanathan, David Werring, Christopher Chen, Colin
Smith, Mark van Buchem, Bo Norrving, Philp B Gorelick, Martin Dichgans.
Neuroimaging standards for research into small vessel disease and its contribution to ageing
and neurodegeneration: a united approach. STandards for ReportIng Vascular Changes on
NEuroimaging. Lancet Neurology 2013;12:822-838.
Impact factor 23.9
5. Arntz R, Maaijwee N Rutten-Jacobs L, , Schoonderwaldt H, Dorresteijn L, van Dijk EJ, de
Leeuw F-E Post-stroke epilepsy impairs long-term functional outcome after a young stroke.
The FUTURE study. Neurology 2013, in press.
Impactfactor 8.3
6. Schaapsmeerders P, Maaijwee N, van Dijk EJ, Rutten-Jacobs L, Arntz R, , Schoonderwaldt H,
Dorresteijn L, Kessels R, de Leeuw FE. Long-term cognitive impairment after first-ever stroke
in young adults. Stroke 2013;44:1621-8
Impactfactor 5.8
7. Gons RA, van Norden AG, de Laat KF, van Oudheusden LJ, van Uden IW, Norris DG, Zwiers
MP, de Leeuw FE. Cigarette smoking is associated with reduced microstructural integrity
of cerebral white matter. Brain 2011;134:2116-24
Impactfactor 9.9
8. de Laat KF, Tuladhar AM, van Norden AG, Norris DG, Zwiers MP, de Leeuw FE. Loss of white
matter integrity is associated with gait disorders in cerebral small vessel disease.
Brain. 2011;134:73-83.
Impact factor 9.9
9. Tuladhar A, de Leeuw FE. Post-stroke dementia—what’s in a name? Nat Rev Neurol.
Impact factor 12.5
10. Snaphaan L, Rijpkema M, van Uden I, Fernández G, de Leeuw FE. Reduced medial temporal
lobe functionality in stroke patients: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Brain.
Impact factor 9.9
H-index de Leeuw
Total number peer reviewed publications = 109
Papers international peer reviewed journals - last author (n=42)
1. Gons RA, Tuladhar AM, de Laat KF, van Norden AG, Norris DG, Zwiers MP, de Leeuw FE.
Physical activity is related to the structural integrity of cerebral white matter. Neurology
2013, in press.
Impactfactor 8.3
2. Arntz R, Maaijwee N Rutten-Jacobs L, , Schoonderwaldt H, Dorresteijn L, van Dijk EJ, de
Leeuw F-E Post-stroke epilepsy impairs long-term functional outcome after a young stroke.
The FUTURE study. Neurology 2013, in press.
Impactfactor 8.3
3. Tuladhar AM, Snaphaan L, Shumskaya E, Rijpkema M, Fernandez G, Norris DG, de Leeuw FE.
Default Mode Network Connectivity in Stroke Patients.
PLoS One. 2013 Jun 18;8(6):e66556.
Impactfactor 4.1
4. Rutten-Jacobs L, Arntz R, Maaijwee N, Schoonderwaldt H, Dorresteijn L, van Dijk EJ, de Leeuw
F-E. Long-term risk of recurrent vascular events after young stroke: the FUTURE study. Annals
of Neurology 2013; Jun 17. doi: 10.1002/ana.23953
Impact factor 11.2
5. van Norden AG, van Uden IW, de Laat KF, Gons RA, Kessels RP, van Dijk EJ, de Leeuw FE.
Cerebral microbleeds are related to subjective cognitive failures: the RUN DMC study.
Neurobiol Aging. 2013;34:2225-30.
Impact factor 6.1
6. Rutten-Jacobs L, Arntz R, Maaijwee N, Schoonderwaldt H, Dorresteijn L, van Dijk EJ, de Leeuw
F-E. Long-Term Mortality After Stroke Among Adults Aged 18-50 Years. JAMA 2013;309:113644.
Impactfactor 30.0
7. Schaapsmeerders P, Maaijwee N, van Dijk EJ, Rutten-Jacobs L, Arntz R, , Schoonderwaldt H,
Dorresteijn L, Kessels R, de Leeuw FE. Long-term cognitive impairment after first-ever stroke
in young adults. Stroke 2013;44:1621-8
Impactfactor 5.8
8. Arntz R, Rutten-Jacobs L, Maaijwee N, Schoonderwaldt H, Dorresteijn L, van Dijk EJ, de Leeuw
F-E. Post-stroke epilepsy in young adults: a long term follow up study. PLoS One.
Impactfactor 4.1
9. Macrosomatognosia in frontal lobe infarct-a case report. Weijers NR, Rietveld A, Meijer FJ, de
Leeuw FE. J Neurol. 2013, January 13
Impactfactor 3.6
10. De Laat KF, van Norden AGW, van Oudheusden LJB, van Uden IWM, Norris DG, Zwiers MP, de
Leeuw FE. Diffusion tensor imaging and mild parkinsonian signs in cerebral small vessel
disease. Neurobiol Aging. 2012;33:2106-12.
Impactfactor 6.6
11. van der Holst HM, Tuladhar AM, van Norden AG, de Laat KF, van Uden IW, van Oudheusden
LJ, Zwiers MP, Norris DG, Kessels RP, de Leeuw FE. Microstructural integrity of the cingulum
is related to verbal memory performance in elderly with cerebral small vessel disease: the
RUN DMC study. Neuroimage. 2013;65:416-23.
Impactfactor 5.9
12. Hypertension is related to the microstructure of the corpus callosum: The RUNDMC Study.
Gons RA, van Oudheusden LJ, de Laat KF, van Norden AG, van Uden IW, Norris DG, Zwiers
MP, van Dijk E, de Leeuw FE. J Alzheimers Dis. 2012;32:623-31.
Impactfactor 4.9
13. de Laat KF, van Norden AG, Gons RA, van Uden IW, Zwiers MP, Bloem BR, van Dijk EJ, de
Leeuw FE. Cerebral white matter lesions and lacunar infarcts contribute to the presence of
mild parkinsonian signs. Stroke. 2012 Oct;43:2574-9.
Impactfactor 5.8
14. van Norden AG, van Uden IW, de Laat KF, van Dijk EJ, de Leeuw FE. Cognitive function in
small vessel disease: the additional value of diffusion tensor imaging to conventional
magnetic resonance imaging: the RUN DMC study. J Alzheimers Dis. 2012;32:667-76.
Impactfactor 4.9
15. van Norden AGW, van den Berg HAC, de Laat KF, Gons RAR, van Dijk EJ, de Leeuw FE. Frontal
and temporal microbleeds are related to cognitive function The RUN DMC study. Stroke.
Impactfactor 5.8
16. de Laat KF, Reid AT, Grim DC, Evans AC, Kötter R, van Norden AGW, de Leeuw FE. Cortical
thickness is associated with gait disturbances. Neuroimage 2012;59:1478-84.
Impactfactor 5.9
17. van Dijk EJ, de Leeuw FE. Recovery after stroke: more than just walking and talking again. If
you don’t look for it, you won’t find it. European Journal of Neurology 2012;19:189-90.
Impactfactor 4.2
18. Rutten-Jacobs LCA, Maaijwee NAM, Arntz RM, van Alebeek M, Schaapsmeerders P,
Schoonderwaldt HC, Dorresteijn LDA, Overeem S, Drost G, Janssen MC, van Heerde WL,
Kessels RPC, Zwiers MP, Norris DG, van der Vlugt MJ, van Dijk EJ, de Leeuw F-E. Risk factors
and prognosis of young stroke.The FUTURE study: a prospective cohort study. Study rationale
and protocol. BMC Neurology 2011, in press
Impactfactor 2.8
19. Van Rooij FG, van Dijk EJ, de Leeuw FE. “24/7 TIA-service”. International Journal of Integrated
Care 2011, in press
20. van Uden IWM, van Norden AGW, KF de Laat KF, van Oudheusden LJB, Gons RAR, I Tendolkar
I, MP Zwiers MP, de Leeuw FE. Depressive symptoms and amygdala volume in elderly with
Cerebral SVD: The RUN DMC study. J Aging Res. 2011;2011:647869.
21. van Norden AG, van Dijk EJ, de Laat KF, Scheltens P, Olderikkert MG, de Leeuw FE. Dementia:
Alzheimer pathology and vascular factors: From mutually exclusive to interaction. Biochimica
et Biophysica Acta – Molecular Basis of Disease 2012 ;1822:3409
Impactfactor 5.2
22. Van Gaalen J, van Dijk EJ, van Deursen, de Leeuw FE. Dissection of the posterior inferior
cerebellar artery in the hypereosinophilic syndrome. Journal of Neurology 2011;258:2278-80
Impactfactor 3.9
23.van Norden AGW, de Laat KF, Gons RAR, van Uden IWM, van Dijk EJ, van Oudheusden LJB,
Esselink RAJ, Bloem BR, van Engelen BGM, Zwarts MJ, Tendolkar I, Olde-Rikkert MG, van der
Vlugt MJ, Zwiers MP, Norris DG, de Leeuw FE. Causes and consequences of cerebral small
vessel disease. The RUN DMC study: a prospective cohort study. Study rationale and
protocol. BMC Neurology 2011;11:29-37.
Impactfactor 2.8
24. van Norden AG, de Laat KF, van Uden IW, van Oudheusden LJ, Norris DG, Zwiers MP, Kessels
RPC, de Leeuw FE. Diffusion tensor imaging of the hippocampus and verbal memory
performance. The RUN DMC Study. Human Brain Mapping 2012;33:542-51.
Impactfactor 7.0
25. van Norden AGW, de Laat KF, van Dijk EJ, van Uden IWM, van Oudheusden, Gons RAR, Norris
DG, Zwiers MP, de Leeuw FE. Diffusion tensor imaging and cognition in small vessel disease
The RUN DMC study. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta – Molecular Basis of Disease
Impactfactor 5.2
26. Gons RA, van Norden AG, de Laat KF, van Oudheusden LJ, van Uden IW, Norris DG, Zwiers
MP, de Leeuw FE. Cigarette smoking is associated with reduced microstructural integrity
of cerebral white matter. Brain 2011;134:2116-24
Impactfactor 9.9
27. Snaphaan L, van der Werf S, de Leeuw FE. Time course and risk factors of post-stroke fatigue:
a prospective cohort study. European Journal of Neurology. 2011;18:611-7.
Impactfactor 3.8
28. de Laat KF, van Norden AG, Gons RA, van Oudheusden LJ, van Uden IW, Norris DG, Zwiers
MP, de Leeuw FE. Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Gait in Elderly Persons With Cerebral Small
Vessel Disease. Stroke. 2011;42:373-9
Impact factor 5.8
29. de Laat KF, van den Berg HA, van Norden AG, Gons RA, Olde Rikkert MG, de Leeuw FE.
Microbleeds Are Independently Related to Gait Disturbances in Elderly Individuals With
Cerebral Small Vessel Disease. Stroke. 2011;42:494-7
Impact factor 5.8
30. de Laat KF, Tuladhar AM, van Norden AG, Norris DG, Zwiers MP, de Leeuw FE. Loss of white
matter integrity is associated with gait disorders in cerebral small vessel disease.
Brain. 2011;134:73-83.
Impact factor 9.9
31. Gons RA, de Laat KF, van Norden AG, van Oudheusden LJ, van Uden IW, Norris DG, Zwiers
MP, de Leeuw FE. Hypertension and cerebral diffusion tensor imaging in small vessel disease.
Stroke. 2010;41:2801-6.
Impact factor 5.8
32. Van Engelen BMG, de Leeuw FE. The neglected brain in myotonic dystrophy types 1 and 2.
Neurology 2010;74:1090-1.
Impact factor 8.3
33. Tuladhar A, de Leeuw FE. Post-stroke dementia—what’s in a name? Nat Rev Neurol.
Impact factor 12.5
34. de Laat KF, van Norden AG, Gons RA, van Oudheusden LJ, van Uden IW, Bloem BR, Zwiers
MP, de Leeuw FE. Gait in elderly with cerebral small vessel disease. Stroke. 2010;41:1652-8.
Impact factor 5.8
35. Snaphaan L, van der Werf S, Kanselaar K, de Leeuw FE. Post stroke depressive symptoms are
associated with post stroke characteristics. Cerebrovasc Dis. 2009;28:551-7.
Impact factor 3.0
36. Snaphaan L and de Leeuw F-E. Post stroke depression: systematic review on pre- and post
stroke clinical and neuroimaging correlated. Aging Health 2009;5:427-443.
37. Snaphaan L, Rijpkema M, van Uden I, Fernández G, de Leeuw FE. Reduced medial temporal
lobe functionality in stroke patients: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Brain.
Impact factor 9.9
38. Bartholomeus MG, de Leeuw FE. Bubbling brain. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2008;79:671.
Impactfactor 4.8
39. van Norden AG, Fick WF, de Laat KF, van Uden IW, van Oudheusden LJ, Tendolkar I, Zwiers
MP, de Leeuw FE. Subjective cognitive failures and hippocampal volume in elderly with white
matter lesions. Neurology. 2008;71:1152-9.
Impact factor 8.3
40. Snaphaan L, de Leeuw FE. Poststroke Memory Function in Nondemented Patients: A
Systematic Review on Frequency and Neuroimaging Correlates. Stroke 2007;38;198-203;
Impactfactor 5.8
41. Korf E.S.C., Scheltens Ph, Barkhof F, de Leeuw FE. Blood pressure, white matter lesions and
hippocampal atrophy: closing the gap between vascular pathology and Alzheimer’s disease?
Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 2005;20:331-7.
Impact factor 2.5
42. Mulder C, Scheltens Ph, Barkhof F, Gundy C, Verstraeten RA, de Leeuw FE. Low vitamin B6
levels are associated with white matter lesions in Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of the
American Geriatric Society 2005;53:1073-74.
Impactfactor 3.3
Papers international peer reviewed journals - Penultimate author (n=5)
43. van Rooij FG, de Leeuw FE, van Dijk EJ. Early stroke risk and Abcd2 score performance in
tissue- vs time-defined TIA: a multicenter study. Neurology. 2012;78:224.
Impactfactor 8.2
44. Ahmed AIA, Oude Voshaar, RC, de Leeuw FE, Claassen JAHR. Severe depression and
behavioral disturbance, an unusual presentation of intracerebral hemorrhage in a 78 year old
man. General Hospital Psychiatry 2011;33:82.e11-3
Impactfactor 2.9
45. Risk factors for ischemic stroke and transient ischemic attack in patients under age 50.
Janssen AW, de Leeuw FE, Janssen MC. J Thromb Thrombolysis. 2011;31:85-91.
Impactfactor 1.9
46. Reid AT, van Norden AGD, de Laat KF, Zwiers M, Evans A, de Leeuw FE, Kötter, Rolf. Patterns
of cortical degeneration in an elderly cohort with cerebral small vessel disease. Human Brain
mapping 2010;31:1983-92.
Impactfactor 7.0
47. Nanhoe-Mahabier W, de Laat KF, Visser JE, Zijlmans J, de Leeuw FE, Bloem BR. Parkinson’s
disease and comorbid cerebrovascular disease. Nat Rev Neurol. 2009;5:533-41.
Impactfactor 12.5
Papers international peer reviewed journals - first author (n=17)
48. De Leeuw FE, Korf ESC, Barkhof F and Ph. Scheltens Ph. White matter lesions are associated
with progression of medial temporal lobe atrophy in Alzheimer’s disease. Stroke.
Impactfactor 5.8
49. De Leeuw FE, Barkhof F, Scheltens Ph. Progression of cerebral white matter lesions in
Alzheimer’s disease: a new window for therapy? J Neurol Neurosurgery Psychiatry
Impactfactor 4.8
50. De Leeuw FE. Lipid lowering agents to delay cognitive decline in Alzheimer's disease? J
Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2005;76:1611-3.
Impactfactor 4.8
51. De Leeuw FE, van der Flier WM, Scheltens Ph. A 24-year follow-up of body mass index and
cerebral atrophy. Neurology. 2005;64:1990-1.
Impactfactor 8.0
52. De Leeuw FE, Barkhof F, Scheltens Ph. Alzheimer’s disease: one clinical syndrome, two
radiological expressions. A study on blood pressure. J Neurol Neurosurgery Psychiatry 2004;
Impactfactor 4.8
53. De Leeuw FE, Richard F, de Groot JC, van Duijn CM, Hofman A, van Gijn J, Breteler MMB.
Interaction between Hypertension, APOE and Cerebral White Matter Lesions. Stroke.
2004;35:1057-60. Epub 2004 Apr 01
Impactfactor 5.8
54. De Leeuw FE, Barkhof F, Scheltens Ph. White matter lesions and hippocampal atrophy in
Alzheimer’s disease. Neurology 2004; 62:310-312
Impactfactor 8.0
55. De Leeuw FE, van Huffelen A, Kappelle J. Cerebrovascular reactivity in patients with a recent
lacunar infarction. J Neurol. 2003;250:232-3.
Impactfactor 3.9
56. De Leeuw FE and van Gijn J. Vascular dementia. Practical Neurology. 2003;3:86-91.
57. De Leeuw FE, de Kleine M, Frijns CJM, Fijnheer R, van GijnJ, Kappelle LJ. Endothelial cell
activation is associated with cerebral white matter lesions in patients with cerebrovascular
disease. Ann NY Sc 2002;977:306-14.
Impactfactor 1.8
58. De Leeuw FE, de Groot JC, Oudkerk M, Witteman JCM, van Gijn J, Hofman A, Breteler MMB.
Hypertension and cerebral white matter lesions in a prospective cohort study. Brain
Impactfactor 9.2
59. De Leeuw FE, de Groot JC, Oudkerk M, Witteman JCM, van Gijn J, Hofman A, Breteler MMB.
Prevalence of cerebral white matter lesions in elderly people: a population based magnetic
resonance imaging study. The Rotterdam Scan Study. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry
Impactfactor 4.8
60. De Leeuw FE, de Groot JC, Oudkerk M, Witteman JCM, van Gijn J, Hofman A, Breteler MMB.
Aortic atherosclerosis at middle age predicts white matter lesions in the elderly. Stroke
Impactfactor 5.8
61. De Leeuw FE, de Groot JC, Oudkerk M, Witteman JCM, van Gijn J, Hofman A, Breteler MMB.
Atherosclerosis and cerebral white matter lesions. J Neurol 2000;247:291-296
Impactfactor 3.9
62. De Leeuw FE, de Groot JC, Oudkerk M, Kors JA, van Gijn J, Hofman A, Breteler MMB. Atrial
fibrillation and cerebral white matter lesions. Neurology 2000;54:1795-1801.
Impactfactor 8.0
63. De Leeuw FE, de Groot JC, Oudkerk M, Witteman JCM, van Gijn J, Hofman A, Breteler MMB.
A Follow up study of blood pressure and cerebral white matter lesions. Ann Neurol
Impactfactor 10.7
64. De Leeuw FE, Jansen GH, Batanero E, van Wichen DF, Huber J, Schuurman H-J. The neural
and neuro-endocrine component of the human thymus. 1: nerve-like structures. Brain,
Behavior, and Immunity 1992;6:234-248.
Impactfactor 4.0
Papers international peer reviewed journals – second author (n=18)
65. Kazemi-Bajestani SM, Vlugt MV, de Leeuw FE, Blankensteijn JD, Bredie SJ. A High Prevalence
of Carotid Artery Stenosis in Male Patients Older Than 65 Years, Irrespective of Presenting
Clinical Manifestation of Atherosclerotic Diseases. Angiology. 2012 May 13
66. Muskens JB, Schellekens AF, de Leeuw FE, Tendolkar I, Hepark S. Damage in the dorsal
striatum alleviates addictive behavior. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2012 Nov-Dec;34:702
67. Rutten-Jacobs LCA, de Leeuw F-E, Geurts-van Bon L, Gordinou de Gouberville M, SchepensFranke AN, Dederen PJ, Spliet WG, Wesseling P, Kiliaan AJ. White matter lesions are not
related with amyloid deposition in an autopsy based study. Curr Gerontol Geriatr Res.
68. Van Harten B, de Leeuw FE, Scheltens Ph, Weinstein H, Biessels GJ. Brain imaging in patients
with Diabetes Mellitus. A systematic review. Diabetes Care 2006;29:2539-48.
Impact factor 7.1
69. Biessels GJ, de Leeuw FE, Lindeboom J, Barkhof F, Scheltens P. Increased cortical atrophy in
patients with Alzheimer's disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus. J Neurol Neurosurg
Psychiatry. 2006;77:304-7.
Impactfactor 4.8
70. S.L.M. Bakker, de Leeuw FE, T. den Heijer, P.J. Koudstaal, A. Hofman, M.M.B. Breteler. Cerebral
hemodynamics in the elderly. The Rotterdam Study. Neuroepidemiology. 2004;23:178-84.
Impactfactor 2.5
71. T.J. Snijders, de Leeuw FE, U.M.H. Klumpers, L.J Kappelle, J van Gijn. Prevalence and
predictors of unexplained neurological symptoms in an academic neurology outpatient clinic:
an observational study. J Neurol. 2004;251:66-71.
Impactfactor 3.9
72. Kiemeneij IM, de Leeuw FE, Ramos LM, van Gijn J. Acute headache as a presenting symptom
of tacrolimus encephalopathy. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2003;74:1126-7.
Impactfactor 4.8
73. De Groot JC, de Leeuw FE, Oudkerk M, van Gijn J, Hofman A, Jolles J, Breteler MMB. Cerebral
white matter lesions and cognitive decline. The Rotterdam Scan Study. Ann Neurol
Impactfactor 10.7
74. De Groot JC, de Leeuw FE, Oudkerk M, Van Gijn J, Hofman A, Jolles J, Breteler MMB. Cerebral
white matter lesions and complaints of cognitive function. The Rotterdam Scan Study.
Neurology 2001;56:1539-1545.
Impactfactor 8.0
75. De Groot JC, de Leeuw FE, Oudkerk M, Hofman A, Jolles J, Breteler MMB. Cerebral white
matter lesions and depression. The Rotterdam Scan Study. Arch Gen Psych 2000;57:10711076.
Impactfactor 10.8
76. Bakker SLM, de Leeuw FE, de Groot JC, Hofman A, PJ Koudstaal, Breteler MMB. Cerebral CO2
reactivity, cholesterol, and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol in the elderly. Neurology
Impactfactor 8.0
77. De Groot JC, de Leeuw FE, Oudkerk M, Van Gijn J, Hofman A, Jolles J, Breteler MMB. Cerebral
white matter lesions and cognitive function. The Rotterdam Scan Study. Ann Neurol
Impactfactor 10.7
78. Bakker SLM, de Leeuw FE, De Groot JC, Hofman A, PJ Koudstaal, Breteler MMB. Cerebral
vasomotor reactivity and cerebral white matter lesions in the elderly. Neurology 1999;52378-383
Impactfactor 8.0
79. De Groot JC, de Leeuw FE, Breteler MMB. Cognitive correlates of cerebral white matter
changes. J Neural Transmission Suppl 1998;53:41-67.
Impactfactor 2.7
80. Kamphuis W, de Leeuw FE, Lopes da Silva FH. Ischemia does not alter the editing status at
the Q/R site of glutamate receptor-A, -B, -5, -6 subunit mRNA. Neuroreport 1995;6:11331136.
Impactfactor 1.8
81. Verheul HB, de Leeuw FE, Scholten G, Tulleken CAF, Lopes Da Silva FH, Ghijsen WEJM. GABAA
receptor function in the early period after transient forebrain ischemia in the rat. Eur J
Neuroscience 1993;5:955-960.
Impactfactor 3.7
82. Batanero E, de Leeuw FE, Jansen GH, Batanero E, van Wichen DF, Huber J, Schuurman H-J.
The neural and neuro-endocrine component of the human thymus. 2: hormone reactivity.
Brain, behavior and Immunity 1992;6:249-264.
Impactfactor 4.0
Papers international peer reviewed journals – co-author (n=27)
83. Ederle J, Davagnanam I, van der Worp HB, Venables GS, Lyrer PA, Featherstone RL, Brown
MM, Jäger HR; on behalf of the ICSS investigators.
Effect of white-matter lesions on the risk of periprocedural stroke after carotid artery
stenting versus endarterectomy in the International Carotid Stenting Study (ICSS): a
prespecified analysis of data from a randomised trial.
Lancet Neurol. 2013 Jul 11. doi:pii: S1474-4422(13)70135-2
Impact factor 23.9
84. Joanna M Wardlaw, Eric E Smith, Geert J Biessels, Charlotte Cordonnier, Franz
Fazekas,Richard Frayne, Richard I. Lindley, John T O'Brien, Oscar R Benavente, Sandra Black,
Carol Brayne PhD, Monique Breteler, Hugues Chabriat, Charles DeCarli, Frank-Erik de Leeuw,
Fergus Doubal, Marco Duering,Nick Fox, Steven Greenberg, Vladimir Hachinski, Ingo
Kilimann, Vincent Mok, Robert van Oostenbrugge, Leonardo Pantoni, Oliver Speck, Blossom
CM Stephan, Stefan Teipel, Anand Viswanathan, David Werring, Christopher Chen, Colin
Smith, Mark van Buchem, Bo Norrving, Philp B Gorelick, Martin Dichgans.
Neuroimaging standards for research into small vessel disease and its contribution to ageing
and neurodegeneration: a united approach. STandards for ReportIng Vascular Changes on
NEuroimaging. Lancet Neurology 2013;12:822-838.
Impact factor 23.9
85. Yesilot Barlas N, Putaala J, Waje-Andreassen U, Vassilopoulou S, Nardi K, Odier C, Hofgart G,
Engelter S, Burow A, Mihalka L, Kloss M, Ferrari J, Lemmens R, Coban O, Haapaniemi E,
Maaijwee N, Rutten-Jacobs L, Bersano A, Cereda C, Baron P, Borellini L, Valcarenghi C,
Thomassen L, Grau AJ, Palm F, Urbanek C, Tuncay R, Durukan Tolvanen A, van Dijk EJ, de
Leeuw FE, Thijs V, Greisenegger S, Vemmos K, Lichy C, Bereczki D, Csiba L, Michel P, Leys D,
Spengos K, Naess H, Tatlisumak T, Bahar SZ. Etiology of first-ever ischaemic stroke in
European young adults: the 15 cities young stroke study.
Eur J Neurol. 2013 Jul 10. doi: 10.1111
Impact factor 4.2
86. Putaala J, Yesilot N, Waje-Andreassen U, Pitkäniemi J, Vassilopoulou S, Nardi K, Odier C,
Hofgart G, Engelter S, Burow A, Mihalka L, Kloss M, Ferrari J, Lemmens R, Coban O,
Haapaniemi E, Maaijwee N, Rutten-Jacobs L, Bersano A, Cereda C, Baron P, Borellini L,
Valcarenghi C, Thomassen L, Grau AJ, Palm F, Urbanek C, Tuncay R, Durukan-Tolvanen A, van
Dijk EJ, de Leeuw FE, Thijs V, Greisenegger S, Vemmos K, Lichy C, Bereczki D, Csiba L, Michel
P, Leys D, Spengos K, Naess H, Bahar SZ, Tatlisumak T.
Demographic and geographic vascular risk factor differences in European young adults with
ischemic stroke: the 15 cities young stroke study. Stroke. 2012;43:2624-30.
Impact factor 5.8
87. BASICS Study group. Predicting outcome after acute basilar artery occlusion based on
admission characteristics. Neurology.2012;78:1058-63
Impactfactor 8.2
88. van Eijk MM, van den Boogaard M, van Marum RJ, Benner P, Eikelenboom P, Honing ML, van
der Hoven B, Horn J, Izaks GJ, Kalf A, Karakus A, Klijn IA, Kuiper MA, de Leeuw FE, de Man T,
van der Mast RC, Osse RJ, de Rooij SE, Spronk PE, van der Voort PH, van Gool WA, Slooter AJ.
Routine Use of the Confusion Assessment Method for the Intensive Care Unit: A Multicenter
Study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2011, in press.
Impactfactor 10.2
89. Tendolkar I, Enajat M, Wezenberg E, Zwiers MP, Van Wingen G, de Leeuw FE, Pop G, PopPurceleanu M. 1-year Cholesterol lowering treatment reduces medial temporal lobe atrophy
and memory decline in stroke-free elderly with atrial fibrillation: Evidence from a parallel
group randomized trial. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2011, in press
Impactfactor 4.6
90. Arnold M, Fischer U, Compter A, Gralla J, Findling O, Mattle HP, Kappelle LJ, Tanne D, Algra A,
Schonewille WJ; BASICS Study Group. Acute basilar artery occlusion in the Basilar Artery
International Cooperation Study: does gender matter? Stroke. 2010;41:2693-6.
Impactfactor 5.8
91. Dorresteijn LD, Vogels OJ, Leeuw FE, Vos JA, Christiaans MH, Ackerstaff RG, Kappelle AC.
Outcome of carotid artery stenting for radiation induced stenosis. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol
Phys. 2010;77:1386-90. Impactfactor 4.5
92. International Carotid Stenting Study investigators. Carotid artery stenting compared with
endarterectomy in patients with symptomatic carotid stenosis (International Carotid Stenting
Study): an interim analysis of a randomised controlled trial. Lancet. 2010;375:985-97.
Impactfactor 33.6
93. PERFORM Study Investigators. Rationale and design of a randomized, double-blind, parallelgroup study of terutroban 30 mg/day versus aspirin 100 mg/day in stroke patients: the
prevention of cerebrovascular and cardiovascular events of ischemic origin with terutroban
in patients with a history of ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack (PERFORM) study.
Cerebrovascular diseases 2009;27:509-18.
Impactfactor 3.0
94. Treatment and outcomes of acute basilar artery occlusion in the Basilar Artery International
Cooperation Study (BASICS): a prospective registry study. Schonewille WJ, Wijman CA, Michel
P, Rueckert CM, Weimar C, Mattle HP, Engelter ST, Tanne D, Muir KW, Molina CA, Thijs V,
Audebert H, Pfefferkorn T, Szabo K, Lindsberg PJ, de Freitas G, Kappelle LJ, Algra A; BASICS
study group. Lancet Neurol. 2009 8:724-30.
Impactfactor 21.7
95. Abdo WF, van Norden A, de Laat K, de Leeuw FE, Borm GF, Verbeek MM, Kremer B, Bloem
BR. Diagnostic accuracy of the clapping test and primitive reflexes in Parkinsonian disorders. J
Neurology 2007:254:1366-9.
Impactfactor 3.9
96. ESPRIT Study Group, Halkes PH, van Gijn J, Kappelle LJ, Koudstaal PJ, Algra A. Medium
intensity oral anticoagulants versus aspirin after cerebral ischaemia of arterial origin
(ESPRIT): a randomised controlled trial. Lancet Neurol. 2007;6:115-24.
Impactfactor 33.6
97. Janssen J, HE Hulshoff Pol, , Schnack HG, Kok RM, Lampe IK, de Leeuw FE ,Kahn RS, Heeren
TJ. Cerebral volume measurements and subcortical white matter lesions and short-term
treatment response in late life depression. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry.
Impactfactor 4.6
98. Janssen J, HE Hulshoff Pol, de Leeuw FE, Schnack HG,Lampe IK, Kok RM, Kahn RS, Heeren TJ.
Hippocampal volume and subcortical white matter lesions in late-life depression: comparison
of early- and late-onset depression. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2007;78:638-40.
Impactfactor 4.7
99. Korf ESC, van Straaten ECW, de Leeuw FE, van de Flier WM, Barkhof F, Scheltens Ph. The
association between diabetes, blood pressure and medial temporal lobe atrophy in nondemented subjects. The LADIS study. Diabet Med. 2007;24:166-712.
Impactfactor 3.0
Olde Rikkert MGM, van der Flier WM, de Leeuw FE, Verbeek M, Verhey F, Scheltens
Ph. Dementia: monocausal versus multicausal reasoning. Arch Neurol. 2006 ;63:144-6
Impactfactor 7.1
J. Janssen, H. Hulshoff Pol, H.G. Schnack, I.K. Lampe, De Leeuw FE, R.S. Kahn, T.J.
Heeren. Hippocampal Changes and White Matter Lesions in Early-Onset Depression. Biol
Psychiatry. 2004;11:825-831.
Impactfactor 8.7
van Straaten EC, Scheltens P, Knol DL, van Buchem MA, van Dijk EJ, Hofman PA, Karas
G, Kjartansson O, de Leeuw FE, Prins ND, Schmidt R, Visser MC, Weinstein HC, Barkhof F.
Operational definitions for the NINDS-AIREN criteria for vascular dementia: an interobserver
study. Stroke. 2003;34:1907-12. Epub 2003 Jul 10.
Impactfactor 5.8
Heijer T, Skoog I, Oudkerk M, de Leeuw FE, de Groot JC, Hofman A, Breteler MMB.
Association between blood pressure levels over time and brain atrophy in the elderly.
Neurobiol Aging. 2003;24:307-13.
Impactfactor 6.6
Den Heijer T, Launer LJ, de Groot JC, de Leeuw FE, Oudkerk M, van Gijn J, Hofman A,
Breteler MMB. Serum carotenoids and cerebral white matter lesions. The Rotterdam Scan
Study. J Am Geriatr Soc 2001;49:642-646.
Impactfactor 3.9
Sijens PE, den Heijer T, de Leeuw FE, de Groot J-C, Achten E, Heijboer R, Hofman A,
Breteler MMB, Oudkerk M. MR Spectroscopy detection of lactate and lipid signals in the
brains of healthy elderly people. Eur Radiol 2001;11:1495-1501.
Impactfactor 3.6
Sijens PE, den Heijer T, de Leeuw FE, de Groot JC, Achten E, Heijboer R, Hofman A,
Breteler MMB, Oudkerk M. Human brain chemical shift imaging at age 60-90: An analysis of
the causes of the observed sex differences. Invest. Radiol. 2001;36:597-603.
Impactfactor 4.7
Achten E, Breteler MMB, de Leeuw FE, de Groot JC, Scheltens Ph, Heijboer R,
Oudkerk M. A rating scale for age related brain changes. The Rotterdam Scan Study. Imaging
Decision MRI 2000;1:10-19.
Sijens PE, Oudkerk M, de Leeuw FE, de Groot J-C, Achten E, Heijboer R, Hofman A,
Breteler MMB. 1H Chemical shift imaging of the human brain at age 60-90: demonstration of
metabolic differences between women and men. Magn Res Med 1999;42:24-31.
Impactfactor 3.3
Hartkamp MJ, Van der Grond J, de Leeuw FE, de Groot JC, Algra A, Hillen B, Breteler
MMB, Mali WPTM. Morphological variation of the circle of Willis investigated by three
dimensional time-of-flight MR angiography. Radiology 1998;207:103-111.
Impactfactor 6.1
National (refereed) journals (n=6)
van Norden AG, van den Berg HA, de Laat KF, Gons RA, Kessels RP, van Dijk E, de Leeuw FE. Poorer
cognitive performance in elderly suffering from cerebral microbleeds. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd.
De Leeuw FE, van Norden AGW, van der Flier WM, Olde Rikkert MGM, Scheltens Ph. Behandeling van
vasculaire risicofactoren ter voorkoming van cognitieve achteruitgang bij de ziekte van Alzheimer.
Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2005;149:2844-9.
De Groot JC, de Leeuw FE. Cerebrale witte stofafwijkingen bij ouderen: klinische gevolgen. NTvN
De Leeuw FE, van Gijn J. Vasculaire dementie. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2004;148:1181-1186.
De Leeuw FE, de Groot JC van Gijn, J. Wittestofafwijkingen in de hersenen bij ouderen: vasculaire
risicofactoren en mentale gevolgen. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2001;145:2067-2071.
De Leeuw FE, de Groot JC. Cerebrale witte stofafwijkingen bij ouderen: frequentie en vasculaire
risicofactoren. NTvN 2001;4:252-257.
De Leeuw FE. Determinanten van cerebrale witte stofafwijkingen: een longitudinaal
bevolkingsonderzoek. NTvN 1999;5:366-368.