EU Actieplan Biodiversiteit Stopzetten van het verlies aan biodiversiteit tegen 2010 en daarna – de ecosysteemdiensten in stand houden in het belang van de mens Els Martens - ANB Context • EC Biodiversiteit Strategie (1998) & 4 Actie Plannen (2001) (nat. hulpbronnen, visserij, landbouw, ontwikkelingssamenw.) • Geeft gevolg aan de 2010 engagementen (sinds 2001) en doelstellingen van SDO voor ecologische pijler (herstel van natuurlijke systemen) • Basis = 2003-04 evaluatie van biodiversiteitsbeleid (Malahide), nieuwe beleidsontwikkelingen (Thematische Strategiën, Financiële Perspectieven…) • Integratie van reacties uit stakeholderconsultatie Doelstelling • alle EU-actoren inzetten om doelstelling 2010 te halen • promoten van lange termijn visie voor behoud van biodiversiteit en belang in duurzame ontwikkeling • verzekeren van integratie biodiversiteit in andere beleidsdomeinen EC Mededeling en Actieplan publicatie mei 2006, goedkeuring Raad en EP dec. 2006 Mededeling: • belang van biodiversiteit ecosysteemdiensten en – functies • bedreigingen, toestand Millennium Ecosysteem Evaluatie • uitgevoerde acties op EU-niveau • verdere aanpak Actieplan Actieplan • 4 beleidsdomeinen: Biodiversiteit in de EU De EU en mondiale biodiversiteit Biodiversiteit en klimaatverandering De kennisbasis • 10 doelstellingen mbt deze 4 beleidsdomeinen • 4 ondersteunende maatregelen • 4 acties voor monitoring en evaluatie 1. Biodiversiteit in EU 1. bescherming + behoud van belangrijkste habitats en soorten 2. behoud + herstel van biodiversiteit en ecosysteem diensten in wijdere landschap 3. behoud + herstel van biodiversiteit en ecosysteem functies in wijdere mariene milieu 4. versterken van compatibiliteit van regionale en territoriale ontwikkeling met biodiversiteit 5. reductie van de impact van invasieve exoten en vreemde genotypen op biodiversiteit Voorbeelden van acties Obj 1: habitats en soorten • Natura 2000 netwerk + mariene gebieden, beheer + herstel Obj 2: ruimere landschap • beschermen van ‘high-nature value farmland & forests’ • beheerplannen voor rivierbekkens Obi 3: mariene • implementatie Mariene Kaderrichtlijn en Strategie • bescherming vispopulaties en bijvangst in visserijbeleid Obj 4: regionale ontwikkeling • integratie biodiversiteit in cohesie en structuurfondsen Obj 5: invasieve soorten • identificatie + implementatie van prioritaire acties, bv ‘early warning system’ 2. EU en mondiale biodiversiteit 6. versterken van de effectiviteit van ‘international governance’ voor biodiversiteit en ecosysteem diensten 7. versterken van de effectiviteit van ‘international governance’ voor biodiversiteit en ecosysteem diensten in EU externe ondersteuning 8. reductie van de impact van internationale handel op mondiale biodiversiteit en ecosysteem diensten Voorbeelden van acties - Internationaal beleid • versterken van implementatie van CBD • promoten van synergiën tussen conventies mbt biodiversiteit - Externe ondersteuning • verhogen/’earmarken’ van fondsen voor biodiversiteit (GEF, bilaterale overeenkomsten) - Handel • bilaterale akkoorden voor invoering van Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) • Identificatie van impact van EU-handel op biodiversiteit + implementatie van maatregelen 3. Biodiversiteit en klimaatverandering 9. bevorderen van adaptatie van biodiversiteit aan klimaatverandering Voorbeelden van acties • verminderen van emissies • bevorderen van de coherentie & connectiviteit van Natura 2000 • effectenbeoordeling van maatregelen voor adaptatie en mildering van klimaatwijziging 4. Kennisbasis 10. versterken van de kennisbasis voor behoud en duurzaam gebruik van biodiversiteit, op EU- en mondiaal niveau Voorbeelden van acties • nieuw EU mechanisme voor onafhankelijk en autoritair wetenschappelijke advisering van beleid • versterken van kennis over status en trends van biodiversiteit, drukfactoren, effectiviteit van beleidsmaatregelen Ondersteunende maatregelen 1. 2. 3. 4. Zorgen voor toereikende financiering Versterking van beleidsvorming op EU niveau Opbouwen van partnerschappen Bewustmaking en grotere deelname van het publiek Monitoring en evaluatie 1. 2. 3. 4. Jaarlijkse rapportering Indicatoren Gerichte monitoring Evaluatie stand van zaken + ‘review’ Action Plan 2010 ‘en daarna’ = Vernieuwend voor 4 aspecten: 1. Specifieke acties voor realisatie van 2010 doelstelling 2. Geeft verantwoordelijkheden en taken aan voor EC en/of Lidstaten 3. Geeft specifieke doelstellingen en indicatoren aan voor de evaluatie van voortgang 4. Uitgangspunt voor ontwikkeling lange termijn visie No. OBJECTIVES, TARGETS, ACTIONS COMMUNITY LEVEL ACTION MEMBER STATES ACTION OBJECTIVE 1: TO SAFEGUARD THE EU's MOST IMPORTANT HABITATS AND SPECIES. HEADLINE TARGET: Biodiversity loss of most important habitats and species halted by 2010, these habitats and species showing substantial recovery by 2013. A1.1 TARGET: Natura 2000 network established, safeguarded, designated and under effective conservation management by 2010, 2012 in marine. A1.1.1 ACTION: Accelerate efforts to finalise the Natura 2000 network including: complete terrestrial network of Special Protection Areas (SPA) [by 2006, 2008 for marine]; adopt lists of Sites of Community Importance (SCI) [by 2006, 2008 for marine]; designate Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) and establish management priorities and necessary conservation measures for SACs [by 2010, 2012 for marine]; establish similar management and conservation measures for SPAs [by 2010, 2012 for marine]. For EU15 - ensure MS which have not proposed Propose sufficient SCIs; designate SACs; prepare, sufficient sites complete their lists; adopt remaining lists adopt and implement site management priorities and of SCIs as soon as possible; provide necssary guidance measures. on designation and establishment of management priorities and measures; for EU10 - ensure correct transposition of Birds and Habitats Directives, ensure MS which have not proposed sufficient sites complete their lists; adopt lists of SCIs as soon as possible; provide necessary guidance on designation and establishment of management priorities and measures; publish annual review of progress. A1.1.2 ACTION: Ensure adequate financing provided to Natura 2000 implementation from Community sources (notably Rural Development funds, Cohesion and Structural Funds, Pre-Accession Instrument, Life-III, Life+) and MS sources, accessible to those who manage Natura 2000 sites, with focus on optimising long-term conservation benefits as well as priority awareness raising and networking initiatives [2006 onwards]. Establish Community priorities for co-financing under Commit adequate national co-financing; identify national each instrument; provide guidance on co-financing to priorities for co-financing; develop national programmes MS and potential beneficiaries; evaluate MS cofor allocation of financing; disburse funds (national and financing programme proposals; disburse funds; monitor Community) to beneficiaries; monitor cost-effectiveness effectiveness (in terms of biodiversity outcomes); audit of actions financed (in terms of biodiversity outcomes); expenditure audit expenditure A1.1.3 ACTION: Transpose fully [by 2006] Articles 6(2), 6(3) and 6(4) of the Habitats Directive into national legislation and planning policies and ensure subsequent timely implementation; where appropriate (i.e. where development proposals cannot avoid damage to Natura 2000 sites, but proceed for reasons of overriding public interest) ensure special effort for adequate design and implementation of compensatory measures [2006 onwards]. Check and ensure full transposition; address any complaints relating to implementation; establish external technical capacity for evaluting requests for derogations under Article 6(4); provide guidance on compensatory measures; evaluate adequacy of compensatory measures. Fully transpose and implement Art 6 including: avoid where possible deterioration or disturbance of sites by developmental activities; assess potential impacts of proposed plans or projects likely to have a significant impact on sites, involving general public where appropriate; if deterioration or disturbance likely, assess whether overriding public interest justifies proceeding; if proceeding, take necessary compensatory measures to maintain coherence of network. Rapportering, evaluatie & ‘review’ • Stroomlijning van monitoring en rapportering ‘headline’ indicatoren (SEBI) • Jaarlijks implementatierapport aan Raad en EP 2007 : EC • Mid-term evaluatie van de implementatie en effectiviteit 2008 : EC + LS • Eindevaluaties 2010 & 2013 insteek voor Financial Perspectieven 2014 EU Headline Biodiversity Indicators by CBD Focal Area ECOSYSTEM INTEGRITY, GOODS AND SERVICES Marine trophic index Connectivity/fragmentation of ecosystems Water quality in aquatic ecosystems … SUSTAINABLE USE Area of ecosystems under sustainable management Forest Agriculture Fishery Aquaculture STATUS AND TRENDS OF COMPONENTS OF BIOVERSITY THREATS TO BIODIVERSITY Nitrogen deposition Numbers and costs of invasive alien species (Trends in invasive alien species) Impact of climate change Trends in extent of selected biomes, ecosystems, habitats Coverage of protected areas Trends in abundance and distribution of selected species Change in status of threatened and/or protected species Trends in genetic diversity of domesticated animals, cultivated plants, fish species of major socioeconomic importance 2007 rapport: EC 1. Stand van zaken acties door EC 2. Input van verschillende EC beleidsdomeinen Ontwerp eind januari Publicatie februari OBJECTIVE 1: TO SAFEGUARD THE EU's MOST IMPORTANT HABITATS AND SPECIES. HEADLINE TARGET: Biodiversity loss of most important habitats and species halted by 2010, these habitats and species showing substantial recovery by 2013. A1.1 TARGET: Natura 2000 network established, safeguarded, designated and under effective conservation management by 2010, 2012 in marine. A1.1. ACTION: Accelerate efforts to finalise the Natura 2000 network including: complete terrestrial network of Special Protection Areas (SPA) [by 2006, 2008 for marine]; adopt lists of Sites of Community Importance (SCI) [by 2006, 2008 for marine]; designate Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) and establish management priorities and necessary conservation measures for SACs [by 2010, 2012 for marine]; establish similar management and conservation measures for SPAs [by 2010, 2012 for marine]. For EU15 - ensure MS which have not proposed sufficient sites complete their lists; adopt remaining lists of SCIs as soon as possible; provide necssary guidance on designation and establishment of management priorities and measures; for EU10 ensure correct transposition of Birds and Habitats Directives, ensure MS which have not proposed sufficient sites complete their lists; adopt lists of SCIs as soon as possible; provide necessary guidance on designation and establishment of management priorities and measures; publish annual review of progress. EU 15 updated SCI lists to be adopted in 2007; Biogeographical Seminars completed for EU 10 - first SCI lists for adoption in 2007 - Updated lists for Atlantic, Continental and Boreal Regions and first list for Pannonian Region approved by Habitats Committee on 27June 2007; Updated lists for the Alpine, Macaronesian, and Mediterranean Regions have been prepared for approval of the Habitats Committee on 16 October 2007; 1st assessment of SPA designation for EU10 completed and legal action taken when necessary; transposition checks underway (see A.1.1.3); bilateral follow up with MS on completing NATURA 2000, including legal actions; Commission guidelines published for Natura 2000 in marine and for the implementation of Articles 12 and 16 of the Habitats Directive; NATURA barometer updated twice yearly by ETC/BD; new COM contract will overview progress in SAC designation, establishment of conservation objectives & management; new working group on 'estuaries' A1.1. ACTION: Ensure adequate financing provided to 2 Natura 2000 implementation from Community sources (notably Rural Development funds, Cohesion and Structural Funds, Pre-Accession Instrument, Life-III, Life+) and MS sources, accessible to those who manage Natura 2000 sites, with focus on optimising long-term conservation benefits as well as priority awareness raising and networking initiatives [2006 onwards]. Establish Community priorities for cofinancing under each instrument; provide guidance on co-financing to MS and potential beneficiaries; evaluate MS co-financing programme proposals; disburse funds; monitor effectiveness (in terms of biodiversity outcomes); audit expenditure Comprehensive opportunities to co-fund Natura 2000 costs provided in each appropriate funding regulation for 2007-2013 . Guidelines & training under EC contract provided to assist MS with application of funds; IT Tool on financing Natura 2000 being develop to assist potential beneficiaries to check how individual measures for Natura 2000 could possibly be funded by the seven major EU sources. Commission checking rural development & operational programmes implementing Commission's cohesion policy; A new COM contract in 2007 will support linking financing and management of Natura 2000. 2008 rapport: EC + LS 1. Stand van zaken acties door EC en door LS op niveau van doelstellingen op basis van indicatoren 2. Door EC: Input uit bestaande rapporten 3. Door LS: aanlevering ontbrekende informatie 4. Aanduiden van knelpunten 5. Ingevulde matrix + beschrijvende analyse/LS => Ontwerp eind april OBJECTIVES INFORMATION AVAILABLE 1. TO SAFEGUARD THE EU's MOST IMPORTANT HABITATS AND SPECIES N2000 Barometer (SEBI 08) NATURA 2000 completed N2000 GIS Database (SEBI 08) Connectivity enhanced Sufficiency index for HD (SEBI 08) Good conservation status of species achieved Art 17 HD 2001-2006 (SEBI 03) MEMBER STATES' INFORMATION NEEDED on designation in marine environment Art 12 BD 2002-2004 Legal cases N2000 contract Lots 1,2,3,5 on national management plans for N2000 sites LIFE+ (SEBI 25) on funding for N2000 from environment EDDA (European Database on Designated Areas) Nationally designated protected areas (SEBI 07) European ecosystem coverage - trends (SEBI 04) Fragmentation of natural and semi-natural areas (SEBI 13) Fragmentation of river systems (SEBI 14) Red list Index for European species (SEBI 02) on national red list Abundance and distribution of selected common species - butterflies, birds (SEBI 01) on abundance of common species Species Action Plans national action plans Outcomes Grenelle de l'Environnement on action in FR outermost regions ERA-net Netbiome on "networking tropical and subtropical biodiversity research in support of sustainable development" (ongoing FP6 project) SEBI 2010 Indicatoren CCIM Stakeholder-meeting 24 Jan 2008 Ludo Holsbeek – LNE-BVE SEBI 2010 expert groups Expert Group Indicators Species Trends in abundance and distribution of selected species Change in status of threatened and/or protected species Ecosystems Trends in extent of selected biomes, ecosystems and habitats Connectivity/fragmentation of ecosystems Genetics Trends in genetic diversity of domesticated animals, cultivated plants, and fish species of major socioeconomic importance Nitrogen Nitrogen deposition Invasives Number and costs of invasive alien species Sustainable Use Area of forest, agricultural, fishery and aquaculture ecosystems under sustainable management CCIM Stakeholder-meeting 24 Jan 2008 Ludo Holsbeek – LNE-BVE SEBI 2010 Indicatoren CCIM Stakeholder-meeting 24 Jan 2008 Ludo Holsbeek – LNE-BVE SEBI 2010 Indicatoren Population index (1990=100) 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 Year CCIM Stakeholder-meeting 24 Jan 2008 Ludo Holsbeek – LNE-BVE SEBI 2010 Indicatoren CCIM Stakeholder-meeting 24 Jan 2008 Ludo Holsbeek – LNE-BVE SEBI 2010 Indicatoren CCIM Stakeholder-meeting 24 Jan 2008 Ludo Holsbeek – LNE-BVE SEBI 2010 Indicatoren CCIM Stakeholder-meeting 24 Jan 2008 Ludo Holsbeek – LNE-BVE SEBI 2010 Indicatoren CCIM Stakeholder-meeting 24 Jan 2008 Ludo Holsbeek – LNE-BVE SEBI 2010 Indicatoren CCIM Stakeholder-meeting 24 Jan 2008 Ludo Holsbeek – LNE-BVE SEBI 2010 Indicatoren CCIM Stakeholder-meeting 24 Jan 2008 Ludo Holsbeek – LNE-BVE Business & Biodiversity Business and Biodiversity - Lissabon november 2007 Partnerschappen tussen bedrijfswereld en milieu- en natuur-NGO ‘business’ zeer ruim (niet alleen industrie maar ook banken, landbouw…) net als het begrip ‘biodiversity’ (van bescherming van bedreigde diersoorten tot bedrijfsinterne milieuzorg) CCIM Stakeholder-meeting 24 Jan 2008 Ludo Holsbeek – LNE-BVE Lissabon update + prioriteiten < 2014 LISSABON-STRATEGIE 2000: COMPETITIVITEIT “turning Europe into the world’s most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy, capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion” within 10 years Nice (December 2000), Stockholm (March 2001) Gothenburg (June 2001) added new objectives Social 2de pijler & Environment 3de pijler van Lissabon-strategie (+ Innovatie) Sustainable Development Strategy CCIM Stakeholder-meeting 24 Jan 2008 Ludo Holsbeek – LNE-BVE Lissabon update + prioriteiten < 2014 Is the EU Sustainable Development Strategy a little yellow postit which keeps falling off the Lisbon Strategy? CCIM Stakeholder-meeting 24 Jan 2008 Ludo Holsbeek – LNE-BVE Lissabon update + prioriteiten < 2014 Oefeningen nu aan de gang - Consultatie over de evaluatie van de Europese meerjarenbegroting: Prioriteiten na 2014 - Consultatie Hernieuwing Lissabon-Strategie Insteek naar COM via DGE Verregaande Gevolgen ! CCIM Stakeholder-meeting 24 Jan 2008 Ludo Holsbeek – LNE-BVE Lissabon update COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN COUNCIL Strategic report on the renewed Lisbon strategy for growth and jobs: launching the new cycle (2008-2010) The Lisbon strategy aims at strengthening the link between sustainable use of resources, environmental protection, climate and energy policies and growth. Many Member States have included environmental sustainability among their key priorities or challenges and report important new policy measures. CCIM Stakeholder-meeting 24 Jan 2008 Ludo Holsbeek – LNE-BVE Lissabon update COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN COUNCIL Strategic report on the renewed Lisbon strategy for growth and jobs: launching the new cycle (2008-2010) The Lisbon strategy aims at strengthening the link between sustainable use of resources, environmental protection, climate and energy policies and growth. Many Member States have included environmental sustainability among their key priorities or challenges and report important new policy measures. However, recent analysis shows that tackling climate change, improving resource and energy efficiency, and halting biodiversity loss will remain key challenges for the period until 2011 and more efforts will be needed. Recognising this, new cohesion policy programmes plan a total investment of €50.6 billion under the heading of environmental protection and risk prevention. Further investment of €9.6 billion is planned in the area of energy. CCIM Stakeholder-meeting 24 Jan 2008 Ludo Holsbeek – LNE-BVE Lissabon update + prioriteiten < 2014 COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN COUNCIL Strategic report on the renewed Lisbon strategy for growth and jobs: launching the new cycle (2008-2010) Keeping up the pace of change Actions in the four priority areas 1. Investing in people and modernising labour markets 2. Unlocking the business potential, especially of SMEs 3. Investing in knowledge and innovation 4. Energy and climate change … a dynamic business environment .. … minimise the social, environmental and economic impacts of climate actions , while developing the potential of new technologies to enhance the competitiveness of EU industry… CCIM Stakeholder-meeting 24 Jan 2008 Ludo Holsbeek – LNE-BVE Lissabon update + prioriteiten < 2014 Vraag naar evenwicht in Lissabon-Strategie 2008-2010 ts Economie Sociaal Environment Environment = meer dan enkel Klimaat & Energie “Wat betreft het Europese cohesiebeleid zijn we van mening dat innovatie, samen met structurele cohesie en capaciteitsopbouw, een drijvende kracht kan zijn voor een aantal objectieven die verder gaan dan enkel het economische. Als zodanig zijn wij van mening dat ecologische cohesie en omgevingsindicatoren volwaardig deel uitmaken van de cohesie-instrumenten. We ondersteunen ten volle de aandacht voor klimaatthema’s die door de Commissie bevestigd wordt als één van de grote uitdagingen voor de volgende ronde van het cohesiebeleid” CCIM Stakeholder-meeting 24 Jan 2008 Ludo Holsbeek – LNE-BVE Financiële perspectieven na 2014 Rondvraag naar prioriteitennota COM Environment = Klimaat ? 1. TRANSVERSAAL duurzaamheid, klimaatverandering, milieubescherming, gelijke kansen, culturele diversiteit en volksgezondheid 3. INSTANDHOUDING EN BEHEER VAN NATUURLIJKE HULPBRONNEN Landbouw + Leefmilieu, Natuur en Energie Klimaat, biodiversiteit en kwaliteit van de leefomgeving als prioriteiten binnen de zuil milieu, in parallel, en in evenwicht. CCIM Stakeholder-meeting 24 Jan 2008 Ludo Holsbeek – LNE-BVE Financiële perspectieven na 2014 Rondvraag naar prioriteitennota COM 3. INSTANDHOUDING EN BEHEER VAN NATUURLIJKE HULPBRONNEN Landbouw + Leefmilieu, Natuur en Energie - Blijvende aandacht 6de MAP - 7de Milieuactieprogramma ? - Duurzame beheer van natuurlijke hulpbronnen, natuurlijke potentieel aan land-, bosbouw en visserij, met specifieke aandacht voor Natura 2000 en biodiversiteitsdoelstellingen. - ook buiten de grenzen van de EU (hout, visserij, etc.) - geïntegreerde plattelandsontwikkelings- en ‘land development’instrumenten, specifiek voor het verhogen van de ruimtelijke kwaliteit en het vrijwaren van de leefbaarheid plattelandsgebieden. CCIM Stakeholder-meeting 24 Jan 2008 Ludo Holsbeek – LNE-BVE