s t u d i o Adres America America Digitaal Druk BV Flevoweg 27 2318 BZ Leiden Nederland Telefoon +31 715 226 771 Fax +31 715 215 961 Website Artwork Specifications Digital Printing 2011 www.america.nl Handelsregister Leiden, 28059820 (Certified) PDF: Color environment: Europe, general purpose RGB sRGB IEC61966-2.1 CMYK Coated FOGRA27 btw NL 8018 70 562 B01 Stickers / panels 3mm. bleed + cropmarks Matrix Frame 15 mm. bleed, no cropmarks If necessary, put outlines for milling in a seperate PDF or page. Convert all used links to this color environment. Always supply us with a print and if possible a color proof. If you don’t have a color proof, we will use our monitor for reference. Open artwork: Adobe Illustrator CS5, Indesign CS5 and PhotoshopCS5 Color environment: Europe, general purpose RGB sRGB IEC61966-2.1 CMYK Coated FOGRA27 Stickers / panels 3mm. bleed + cropmarks Matrix Frame 15 mm. bleed, no cropmarks If necessary, put outlines for milling in a separate page or layer. Convert all used links to this color environment. Supply us with all used links and fonts. Always supply us with a print and if possible a color proof. If you don’t have a color proof, we will use our monitor for reference. Calculate pixel dimensions: Output size: 1-3 m2 4-7 m2 8-11 m2 larger 100% in Photoshop: 150 pixels / inch 125 pixels / inch 100 pixels / inch 72 pixels / inch Levering geschiedt volgens de leveringsvoorwaarden voor de Grafische Industrie, gedeponeerd ter Griffie van de Arrondissementsrechtbank te Amsterdam. Lid dpi - sgia The Digital Printing & Imaging Association Lid giga Global Imaging Graphic Association Lid zso Artwork Specifications 2011 - Page 1 of 2 Vereniging van Zeefdruk en Sign Ondernemingen s t u d i o America Adres America Digitaal Druk BV Flevoweg 27 2318 BZ Leiden Nederland Telefoon +31 715 226 771 Fax +31 715 215 961 Website Upload files to our FTP server: Host name / Port : User name : dtp@studio-america.nl Password : Amer2318 Would you please be so kind to send us an email (dtp@america.nl) when your files are uploaded? Please include your company name. www.america.nl Handelsregister Leiden, 28059820 btw NL 8018 70 562 B01 You can upload your files 24/7 to our FTP server. Unfortunately you cannot use an internet browser such as Internet Explorer, Safari or Firefox. You will have to install a FTP program. Sending files using E-mail: Please send small files to dtp@america.nl, make sure to stuff the fonts. Media: CD / DVD / USB - Memorystick Levering geschiedt volgens de leveringsvoorwaarden voor de Grafische Industrie, gedeponeerd ter Griffie van de Arrondissementsrechtbank te Amsterdam. Lid dpi - sgia The Digital Printing & Imaging Association Lid giga Global Imaging Graphic Association Lid zso Artwork Specifications 2011 - Page 2 of 2 Vereniging van Zeefdruk en Sign Ondernemingen