A Data Ecosystem in Healthcare EHR data Feedback Loop Levels of interoperability Organisation Trust model collaboration Processes Guidelines, standards and protocols Information Datasets, access, technical standards Systems Functional and technical requierements Networks infrastructure Benefits of a logical business data model “The Data governance arena” A reference model for healthcare in a disorderly world :RDH 2.0 Describes process and information objects in unambiguous domains Benefits of a logical business data model “The elevator Pitch” Benefits of a logical business data model Developing a data lifecycle strategy Migration Database Sources ETL New HIS check Datamodel source LBDM Mapping Mapping Extractions Issue list Audit list Issue list Audit list Data Sources (Data Entry) EHR HIS Primary Care Research Staged Sources (Stage Layer) Integration (Generic Layer) Business Intelligence Data Warehouse PACS VNA OMICS Internally sourced Clinical Research Data Warehouse IIS * Trails * Trials Research Externally sourced Epidemiology CBS Trails * GP De-identify Observation s Biobank Quality Indicators Benchmarking Patient Polulation Aggregation Patient Population Aggregation Data-sets Enrich (codesystems, validations, derivations, etc) - Metadata Catalog - Counts up to Full Data Metadata + Data Fenodata Genodata, Imaging Analytics & Reporting (Publish Layer) Metadata Data Specimen De-identify Aggregate subjects Metadata + Data Specimen Process Process Step Data Selection Application Form Form Element Data Element Code System Value Set Exchange IAM (ANSI RBAC) Indicatoren en Data Selecties Processen Codelijst Gebruiker Proces Processtap user assignment selectie uit Functionele Rol Informatieproduct realiseert input Waardelijst afhankelijk van output wordt ondersteund door permission assignment User Interface Operatie Permissie Gegevens Element UI voor Formulier Bouwsteen Formulier beschikbaar via Mapping Database Applicatielandschap payload Uitwisseling Technische Entiteit Systeemfunctionaliteit bron bestemming ondersteunt Betekenis stelt beschikbaar Identificatie Applicatie Logische Entiteit Begrip heeft nodig ReferentieDomeinenmodel Ziekenhuizen (RDZ) Logisch Domein Motivatie Missie Informatie Domein Bedrijfsactiviteit Visie create, use Standaard Principe Richtlijn Informatie Object Definities A Legend IAM Name: Author: Version: Created: Updated: Samenhang CI's R2.1 Michael van der Zel 1.0 10/1/2014 15:36:27 10/27/2014 14:24:34 Info Activity Application Aggregatie, Samenstelling of Groepering Algemene Relaties Developing a data lifecycle strategy Goal: Qualitative correct, complete and valid data Quality is: 1. Filtering for end use 2. Cleaning the lake 3. Using a filter drain for the factory 4. Preserve the factory process Questions ? Erik van der Velde +31652724035 E-mail: e.van.der.velde@umcg.nl Twitter: @velde_e