Inlichtingen en inschrijvingen Renseignements et inscriptions Programme Secretariaat VBS / Secrétariat GBS 9.00 Reception with coffee 9.30-10.45 Basic theoretical framework of software validation and the normative regulations Dr. Veerle Noten Loubna Hami Kroonlaan 20 / Av. de la Couronne 20 1050 Brussel / 1050 Bruxelles ' +32 (0)2 649 21 47 6 +32 (0)2 649 26 90 @ - o o o o o o o o 1. Whole day subscription: Members of the VBS-GBS: 100€ Non-members pathologists, pharmacist, biologist and medical staff: 250€ MLT-TLM, quality coordinator, non-medical staff: 120€ 2. Subscription for the theoretical part in the morning only: Members of the VBS-GBS: 75€ Non-members pathologists, pharmacist, biologist and medical staff: 200€ MLT-TLM, quality coordinator, non-medical staff: 80€ Subscription for only the afternoon is not possible. Please indicate the name(s) of the participant(s) in the bank transfer communication. Te storten op rekening / À verser sur le compte BE84 0682 3050 4359 (BIC : GKCCBEBB) The afternoon session is limited to 100 persons Please register preferably online: 10.45-11.15 Pause Validation of software in medical laboratories: how to deal with it? Plaats / Lieu GOSSET Hotel Groot Bijgaarden A. Gossetlaan 52 1702 Groot-Bijgaarden 11.15-12.30 Risk analysis as a tool in software validation. Drafting validation files. Minimum expectations when performing validation and verification tests and how to document it Dr. Veerle Noten 12.30-13.30 Lunch 13.30-13.45 Introduction of the workshop division into groups 13.45-15.15 Workshop (10 groups of 10 people) Practical application of software validation for pathological anatomy 15.15-15.30 Pause 15.30-16.15 Debriefing workshop UNION PROFESSIONNELLE BELGE DES MEDECINS SPECIALISTES EN ANATOMIE PATHOLOGIQUE 16.15-16.30 Closure with take home messages BELGISCHE BEROEPSVERENIGING DER GENEESHEREN SPECIALISTEN IN PATHOLOGISCHE ANATOMIE